Hungarian Conservative

US Embassy Pride Picnic: Tea Party on a Civilizational Titanic

Participants at the Rome Pride on 15 June 2024
Participants at the Rome Pride on 15 June 2024
Andrea Ronchini/NurPhoto via AFP
‘“There is not enough money in the world for us to put our children and grandchildren into the hands of LGBT activists,” said Orbán earlier this month. We are all in a very bad place when basic moral sanity like that is an act of uncommon courage...It is unlikely that Orbán will show up at the American ambassador’s queer picnic. In civilizational terms, the prime minister will be missing a tea party on the deck of the Titanic.’ 

You can be forgiven for not noticing that June is Pride Month, an entire thirty-day period given over to the celebration of all things queer. In the West, isn’t every day Pride Day?

It is impossible to escape the relentless valorizing of all things LGBT. In the United States, there are 175 days set aside to mark some aspect of the queer experience. What, you don’t observe Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day every May 24? Bigots! Someone should write to the American ambassador to report you.

David Pressman, a gay man who is the chief US diplomat in Hungary, never misses an opportunity to harangue the Hungarians about their backwardness on LGBT matters.

The US Embassy organized a major statement supporting LGBT rights in Hungary, and criticizing the government for its supposed failures in that respect. Many European countries signed the statement (but not Italy, notably).

This weekend, the ambassador is having a big queer picnic at his residence. As Politico reports, Ambassador Pressman is sending ‘an unmistakable message to Viktor Orbán’s conservative government: Stop being nasty to those who aren’t straight.’

‘Being nasty,’ you must understand, is refusing to give LGBT rights organizations anything they demand. In the early 2000s, queer activists in the United States discovered a brilliant strategy to mainstream their radical ideology in schools: brand embracing and celebrating it as ‘fighting bullying’. You might have thought that the best way to fight bullying is to teach why it is wrong, and to punish bullies—that promoting LGBT ideology is not necessary. Wrong! Anybody who disagreed immediately put themselves on the side of bullies, or so said the activists.

Within just a few years, in 2009, the main activist group pushing this line—the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)—produced a list of books it recommended for school children. They were shockingly pornographic. In one of them, a memoir entitled Reflections Of A Rock Lobster, author Aaron Fricke recalls being six years old and performing oral sex on his classmates. He also recalls a sexual friendship with another boy.

‘We were human beings who knew no social inhibitions and were willing to explore our sexuality to its fullest,’ writes Fricke. He was nine years old at the time; his boy lover was eight.

In another book on the GLSEN list, an essayist celebrated learning as a teenager how to cruise for sex in public lavatories. ‘The whole world of restroom sex had opened itself up to me,’ he said, as if discovering the passageway into the Garden of Eden. In yet another text the group recommended for children, a young prostitute explains how becoming a sadomasochistic transgender sex worker made him ‘a lot more confident and secure with myself’.

To remind you: GLSEN recommended these books and many more like them for children aged 13 to 18, for the sake of fighting bullying. And this was 2009, long before the advent of Drag Queen Story Hour, American children’s hospitals performing transgender surgeries on children, and all the rest. GLSEN and its cohorts laid the groundwork for this evil by mainstreaming it as child protection, and vilifying as evil anyone who disagreed.

You can read here an updated GLSEN recommended book list, sorted by age. Click it, and read the descriptions of the books. Hungarians should not assume goodwill on the part of these activists. Verify the material yourselves.

For example, GLSEN recommends for high school kids the book All Boys Aren’t Blue, a celebrated memoir of a black queer man. The New York Times praised it as ‘an exuberant, unapologetic memoir infused with a deep but cleareyed love for its subjects’.

Last year, a conservative US Senator read aloud in a hearing from the book, which has been the subject of banning attempts in some school districts. The book is absolutely pornographic, as the short passage Senator John Kennedy read makes clear.

Do not let David Pressman gaslight you: When the ambassador and his European liberal cohorts condemn the Hungarian government for its stance on queerness, this is what they defend. It is extremely important for Hungarians not to be naïve about this. There is no stopping point for this movement, no place in which it will be satisfied with this, and nothing more. This has been the clear and undeniable experience of Americans over the past two decades, in which

a relatively normal demand for gay tolerance has morphed into a movement that has now empowered some liberal American states to seize children from parents

unwilling to submit them to sex changes.

Every law, no matter how petty, must be overturned to grant this movement its desires. The other day in Los Angeles, city officials removed a traffic sign erected in a gay residential neighborhood in the late 1990s. It said, ‘No U-Turns,’ and was intended to stop the traffic jams and other problems caused by gay men cruising for anonymous sex with each other in their cars late at night. A city council member last week condemned the hated sign as an example of ‘real and present homophobia’.

Do you see what’s happening? Saying that gay men should not exercise their insatiable desire for anonymous public sex in a residential neighborhood is now a species of bigotry. What began in America thirty years ago as a desire for tolerance of minority sexualities is now a method of bullying society into surrendering all of its standards and values before sacred queers.

Hungary is not a place of queer oppression by any reasonable stance. Gays and lesbians can register a civil partnership here. In Budapest, it is common to say gay men and lesbians holding hands in public. This week, I sat at a wine terrace downtown and watched a lesbian couple kissing at the table next to mine. Nobody bothered them, and nobody should have bothered them. The difference between Budapest and most other European capitals is the difference between a city where homosexuality is tolerated, and one in which it is celebrated as the apotheosis of liberalism.

Weaponizing queerness as a diplomatic priority for the US and Western Europe has been a real thing at least since the second Obama administration. Donald Trump did not stop it, either. The US and its NATO allies are, in a real sense, fighting a proxy war with Russia in order to queer the Donbass. And in so doing, the West is making enemies everywhere outside its borders.

In a new Heritage Foundation report, US-based China analyst Nathan Levine, a visiting fellow earlier this year at Budapest’s Danube Institute, said that Xi Jinping’s government and other Chinese observers see the advance of queer ideology ‘as reflecting and accelerating [the West’s] decline and as a sign that it may no longer have the civilizational self-confidence and will to prosper and defend its system – or even, potentially, to survive.’

In the United States today, ‘Generation Z’—defined as Americans between the ages of 13 and 25—are by far the most liberal generation, and the queerest. This is the first generation to be raised under the new cultural order. The propaganda has had a profound effect: 28 percent of them now identify as queer.

Is there any wonder why the Chinese, the Russians, the Africans, and others, do not want to imitate the West’s suicidal folly? Hungary remains more or less the only country left in Europe holding out firmly against this shocking decadence, which sexualizes and confuses children, and calls it progress.

‘There is not enough money in the world for us to put our children and grandchildren into the hands of LGBT activists,’ said Orbán earlier this month We are all in a very bad place when basic moral sanity like that is an act of uncommon courage. But that’s the West in 2024.

It must be hard to stand alone, hated and defamed by one’s peers for taking a moral stance. But as the saying goes, ‘One man with courage is a majority.’

It is unlikely that Orbán will show up at the American ambassador’s queer picnic. In civilizational terms, the prime minister will be missing a tea party on the deck of the Titanic. 

‘“There is not enough money in the world for us to put our children and grandchildren into the hands of LGBT activists,” said Orbán earlier this month. We are all in a very bad place when basic moral sanity like that is an act of uncommon courage...It is unlikely that Orbán will show up at the American ambassador’s queer picnic. In civilizational terms, the prime minister will be missing a tea party on the deck of the Titanic.’