Viktor Orbán Boasts Road Construction by Driving Along New Stretch with Local MP

The Prime Minister’s Office/Viktor Orbán Facebook
Viktor Orbán announced on social media that the renovation of Road 37 between Gesztely and Szerencs has been completed, and thus the speed limit has been increased. He also encouraged drivers to use the new road confidently but drive cautiously.

‘We have fulfilled our long-standing promise: starting from Wednesday, it will be possible to drive at a speed of 110 km/h to Szerencs,’ the Prime Minister posted on his social media page on the occasion of the inauguration of the 19-kilometre (12 miles), four-lane section of Main Road 37 between the Northern Hungarian towns of Gesztely and Szerencs. The road was expanded at a cost of approximately 38 billion forints. In the post, Viktor Orbán encouraged drivers to use the renovated Road 37 confidently, but drive cautiously.

The PM decided to test the quality of the road personally so he got into his SUV with local Fidesz MP Zsófia Koncz and drove her along the new stretch.

The necessity of expanding Road 37 to four lanes was first articulated by Ferenc Koncz, the former Fidesz member of parliament of the region (Zsófia Koncz’s father), 23 years ago. The funding for the project was provided by a government resolution adopted in November 2020.

The development serves as a breakthrough point for Szerencs,

integrating it into the expressway network, while also creating new investment and tourism opportunities for the city. With the completion of the road section, travel time is expected to be significantly reduced, not only between Szerencs and Gesztely, but also between Szerencs and Miskolc.

As part of the project, which started in June 2021, a bicycle lane diversion was created at the intersection of Main Roads 37 and 38, turning the previous junction into a new roundabout. The weigh station located there was also rebuilt.

Further technical solutions were implemented to contribute to safe transportation. A special steel mesh was installed in the asphalt pavement for approximately 500 metres (550 yards) away from the Újharangod junction, and guardrails were erected along a seven kilometre (4.5 mile) stretch.

Road 37, between Hernádkak and Bekecs, features Hungary’s second musical road surface

that plays the Hungarian folk song ‘Érik a szőlő(‘The Grapes Are Growing Ripe’). The renovated road section was already opened to traffic in late 2022, but until now, speed limits were in place due to the remaining construction in progress.

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Viktor Orbán announced on social media that the renovation of Road 37 between Gesztely and Szerencs has been completed, and thus the speed limit has been increased. He also encouraged drivers to use the new road confidently but drive cautiously.