Creative Tapestry: NFI’s Investment in TV Films, Documentaries, and Animation

The NFI’s decision-making committee voted to support the production of six different television works.

The English titles of the works in this article are rough translations, as there are no official translations of the titles yet.

The National Film Institute (NFI) is set to support the production of six television works, including four TV films, one documentary film, and an animated series, as informed by the film institute on Monday, 8 January.

According to the announcement,

the NFI’s decision-making committee voted to support the production of a TV film about the true love of the French composer Berlioz, the medieval predecessors of the Visegrád Group (V4), and the last day of István Széchenyi,

along with a documentary film featuring the rural environment and a poetic ballad about Hanna Szenes, as well as an animated series titled Draco.

Péter Berecz’s dramatized documentary film titled Percek tánca (Dance of Minutes) about poet Hanna Szenes will receive support of 19.95 million HUF. The extraordinary life of the poet and parachutist, who was captured in 1944 as a British officer rescuing Jews in World War II Hungary and subsequently sentenced to death, will be portrayed. Despite being tortured, the 23-year-old refused to disclose the details of her mission and was executed. The creators emphasize exploring how the spirit of the girl continues to live on in posterity and the example her pure character, talent, and determination can set for today’s youth.

Miklós Hubay’s TV film adaptation of his popular work Ők tudják, mi a szerelem (They Know What Love Is), co-produced by MTVA, has received 130 million HUF for production. The romantic TV film set in 1864 tells the story of Hector Berlioz, a French romantic composer dubbed immortal during his lifetime, who seeks to rescue his childhood love, the now elderly Estella leading a decent bourgeois life.

Zsolt Pozsgai is behind the new TV film A királytalálkozó (Meeting of Kings) which explores the medieval predecessors of the current Visegrád Group. With a budget of 353.75 million HUF, the TV film depicts the historical event when King Charles Robert of Hungary invited the Polish and Czech kings, as well as the leaders of principalities, for a meeting in 1335 to form an alliance against the Western economic and political dominance.

The TV film titled Széchenyi és az éjszakai látogató (Széchenyi and a Visitor at Night) has been granted 345 million HUF for its production. Directed by Andor Szilágyi, the film is set on the day of István Széchenyi’s death when a peculiar visitor, Count Miklós Wesselényi, Széchenyi’s friend who died ten years ago, visits ‘the greatest Hungarian.’

The documentary ballad Bolondmese (A Silly Tale) tells the story of a village expelling its sole fool, who must then live among grazing animals in the wilderness. Directed by Zoltán Bicskei and Attila Moharos, the film is set in the early 20th century and conveys timeless ideas about exploited individuals who dare to speak the truth. The was shot at authentic locations, mostly in Magyarkanizsa, and has received 297.85 million HUF in NFI funding.

In addition,

five new episodes of the 2D animated series Draco directed by Gábor Kelen are also in the making.

The series narrates the terrifying adventures of Draco, the vampire apprentice, and his monstrous friends. NFI granted 108 million HUF for the production of the new episodes.

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Source: Hungarian Conservative/NFI/MTI