János Áder Explores Sustainability and Digitalization in Live Recording Sessions of the Blue Planet Podcast

János Áder, former President of the Republic of Hungary and Chairman of the Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation (R), converses with generational researcher Krisztián Steigervald (L) during the public recording of his podcast titled at the Ligneum Event Hall and Visitor Centre of Sopron University on 15 May 2024.
István Filep/MTI
As part of the SopronFest series, János Áder, Chairman of the Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation, addressed various topics during the recorded conversation, including the difference in attitudes towards environmental issues between Generation Y, which grew up with digitalization, and Generation Z, which was born into it.

János Áder, former President of Hungary, discussed the relationship between different generations and sustainability and digitalization in the latest two episodes of his podcast Blue Planet, recorded publicly with generational researcher Krisztián Steigervald on Wednesday in Sopron.

As part of the SopronFest series, János Áder, Chairman of the Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation, addressed various topics during the recorded conversation, including the question posed to Krisztián Steigervald about the difference between Generation Y, which grew up with digitalization, and Generation Z, which was born into it.

In the first podcast episode, recorded in front of an audience at the Ligneum Visitor Centre of Sopron University, the former president also touched upon the increasing importance people place on environmental or climate issues. However, he noted that despite this growing awareness, individuals’ comfort may overshadow concerns about the consequences of these problems.

János Áder and Krisztián Steigervald in Sopron on 15 May. PHOTO: István Filep/MTI

Áder and his conversation partner speculated whether the daily flood of news about the environment, climate, and sustainable or unsustainable lifestyles truly motivates Generation Z to take action to alleviate climate-related issues.

The second podcast episode delved into coexistence among generations and the impact of the digital world on people’s personalities, addressing topics such as internet use, changes in social relationships, and values.

Before recording the podcasts, Áder participated in the planting of trees for the festival forest in Sopron.

The so-called Miyawaki mini forests grow rapidly, are denser, and have richer biological diversity compared to traditional forests. They are easily planted in urban environments. These mini forests play an efficient role in air purification, absorb noise, release water vapour, provide aesthetic enjoyment, and reduce the urban heat island effect in urban environments.

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As part of the SopronFest series, János Áder, Chairman of the Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation, addressed various topics during the recorded conversation, including the difference in attitudes towards environmental issues between Generation Y, which grew up with digitalization, and Generation Z, which was born into it.