House Speaker Kövér Stresses Importance of Children and Education at Nursery Opening

László Kövér speaks at the inauguration of the nursery in Pásztó on 16 May 2024.
Tibor Illyés/MTI
László Kövér stated that the 20th century has shown Hungarians that a liveable future cannot be achieved in the battlefields. The future is in the homes being built and in nurseries, kindergartens, and schools, not in destroyed, burnt-out towns, the House Speaker stressed.

‘The future lies in our children, not in the heroic dead who fell for imperial interests,’ Speaker of the National Assembly László Kövér declared at the inauguration ceremony of a nursery in Pásztó on Thursday.

László Kövér stated that the 20th century has shown Hungarians that a liveable future cannot be achieved in the battlefields. The future is in the homes being built and in nurseries, kindergartens, and schools, not in destroyed, burnt-out towns, he remarked, adding that there is no more joyous occasion in a community than the opening of a nursery, for where a nursery opens, the horizons of the future also open. Where there are children, there is a future, and this applies to a family, a community, a nation, and even a continent, he said.

‘We do not live in times of ribbon-cutting: the coronavirus pandemic and the war have shaken the world economy, so every achievement requires much greater effort and work than in more peaceful times,’ he said. The Speaker emphasised that the birth of every Hungarian child is of inestimable significance, a testimony to life. Everyone who has children, who helps fill Pásztó and Nógrád County with life, helps maintain the country and the nation, can count on the support of the Hungarian state, he promised, noting that family tax benefits, home creation subsidies, free textbooks, and many other measures help ensure that there are no financial obstacles to having the desired children.

The nursery construction programme is such assistance, he highlighted, adding that nurseries are needed when there are children and there is work.

The number of nurseries has doubled in Hungary since 2010; in Nógrád, there were 112 nurseries in three communities in 2010, today there are 734 in 36 communities.

Kövér noted that currently, an additional 280 nurseries are being built in the county, which will be opened this year, meaning that more will be created this year than the entire county had in 2010, he indicated. He informed that the modern and well-equipped institution in Pásztó, built with a government investment of 441 million forints and providing 28 places, addresses a serious deficiency and long-standing debt.

Kövér recalled that Europe is often being called the continent of empty cradles. The figures confirm this: while everyone shouts about children’s rights, family and child respect has never been as low among EU bureaucrats as it is now, he asserted. Those who currently dominate EU politics are flooding the continent with millions of illegal immigrants to replace unborn generations, aggressively transforming everyday life in major cities, and changing the lives of host countries, he stated. Additionally, Europe is now in the grip of war fever; those who previously built political careers on dismantling European armies and making patriotism a derogatory term are now reintroducing compulsory military service and leading European youth into war. ‘If we want to preserve Hungary as our home, we must change Europe so that our cradles are safe here, and our children are not threatened by war, illegal migration, or violent and perverse gender propaganda,’ the Speaker stated.

He underscored that the country is once again facing a decisive election, for when choosing a future for the next five years, it is also choosing a fate for itself and future generations. He pointed out that it matters whether communities are led by those who can build or by those whose only plan is to get close to the coffers. It matters whether our country is represented in Europe by those who stand up bravely for our national interests and, if necessary, accept conflicts, or by those who boast about how they obstruct the payment of funds owed to Hungary. Let everyone decide according to their conscience,’ László Kövér concluded.

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László Kövér stated that the 20th century has shown Hungarians that a liveable future cannot be achieved in the battlefields. The future is in the homes being built and in nurseries, kindergartens, and schools, not in destroyed, burnt-out towns, the House Speaker stressed.