The Latest Madness of the Spanish Government

A protester holds a banner reading ‘The trans law is misogynist’ at a demonstration against a trans rights law outside the Spanish Congress in Madrid on 16 February 2023.
Oscar del Pozo/AFP
‘Ideological laws in Spain have been passed one after the other since Pedro Sánchez came into power. He has attempted to normalize gender ideology through laws, which has so far been a monumental failure. These laws are attacks on the common sense, truth, logic and reason.’

Spain, one of the most progressive countries in Europe, is habitual in bringing out ideological laws, some of which may seem like a joke as soon as you read them. Despite the national and international ridicule, the progressives keep churning them out to further open the Overton Window on gender ideology and the rampant authoritarianism of Pedro Sanchez.

The latest folly of the Spanish government has been to create a card to control visits to adult websites. To access porn sites, one’s age will have to be verified, as explained by the Minister for Digital Transformation, José Luis Escrivá. The system will arrive this summer and will take the form of a mobile application.

The name of the application to verify age and try to prevent minors from accessing pornographic websites is Digital Wallet Beta. In the application users will be able to identify themselves as adults by getting a credential with a letter ‘K’, to mark that they are of legal age.

How can one get this credential? To obtain it, users must initially authenticate themselves with an electronic identity document, a digital certificate or the key of Cl@ve, the digital authentication system established by the Government of Spain.

After validation,

users will receive a 30-day pass with which they will be able to access any platform reserved for adults.

As described by the Ministry of Digital Transformation, in addition to the 30-day validity, each credential will be reusable with the same provider a maximum of ten times.

So, indeed, this is the new law that the government has pushed through! From when the new legislation enters into force, if an adult wants to access a porn site, they will have to register with the public administration and will be given a card to access the site with a series of limited uses.

All this sounds like a sci-fi movie, doesn’t it? Well, no, it is the very real. And although the government claims our data will be handled confidentially, the government will in fact learn what pages one has visited, and how often and how many times one has done so. It is like something out of the novel 1984; but it is 2024, and it is Pedro Sanchez and his government that are behind it.

Does the reader know which states beside Spain control access to adult pages? Let me tell you: Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, China, North Korea and Cuba. I guess it doesn’t take much to see what type of regimes introduce this type of laws.

I will not go into the moral issue of whether porn is right or wrong in this article; it is another kind of debate I focus on here. But let me recommend this great article by Rod Dreher about it. The debate at hand is what the Spanish government intends to do; and it is mind-boggling. They practically intend to control what an adult can do in the privacy of his home, without harming third parties. Instead of engaging in yet another form of authoritarianism, if they want to protect children from porn, they should help the parents do it, since is parents who are responsible for educating their children and prevent them from doing things that may be harmful to them.

The State should stop acting as a quasi-parent and leave the responsibility of these decisions to the real parents. It is incredible how year after year we see the tentacles of the state reaching ever deeper into our lives. It is also stunning that we as a society have normalized this because of the supposed ‘protection and rights’ that the state gives us, despite the fact that most of these kinds of laws are intended to exert more control on the population.

The great logic of the government is the following: if you are 16 years old you can have an abortion without parental consent; you can decide to undergo hormone therapy because you feel you are trapped in the wrong body. But at the same age you can’t visit a porn site, and you can’t drink beer.

The impressive mental gymnastics of the progressives has now reached the limits of common sense,

going against human nature and reason.

A Pattern: Sánchez’s Ideological Laws

This is not an isolated example. Ideological laws in Spain have been passed one after the other since Pedro Sánchez came into power. He has attempted to normalize gender ideology through laws, which has so far been a monumental failure.

The first such law was the ‘only yes means yes’ law, proposed by former minister Irene Montero. The law states that explicit consent is required before any sexual interaction, i.e., if there was a sexual relationship without an explicit yes from the woman, she could denounce it as sexual abuse. In addition, this same law resulted in actually lowering penalties for rapists, something that many judges’ associations complained and warned the government about. In May this year the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) published its count of sex offenders benefiting from the ‘only yes means yes’ law: 1,079. 108 of them have been released from prison.

A year ago, the trans law was also approved. What are the most controversial points of this law? In Article 25 it states that men who identify as women can enter bathrooms, locker rooms and any women’s space. Article 26 states that discrimination based on sexual identity is prohibited, i.e., men who identify as women can participate in women’s competitions as ‘women’, something that is already happening in the United States. Article 39 specifies that

legal sex change is allowed without having been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, without having undergone hormone therapy or surgery,

and is instead entirely based on self-determination. Article 41 allows people who have committed crimes of abuse to change their sex. According to Article 49 companies that hire trans people are entitled to financial incentives. Articles 41 and 44 confirm that people have the right to change their sex in official documents, having the record of their birth sex erased, and thus hiding their biological sex.

The legal change of name and sex in IDs will be possible with judicial endorsement between 12 and 14; with the consent of the father, the mother or the legal guardian between 14 and 16; and will require no consent from anyone over 16. One can also ask for one’s prior sex to be recovered, with the current text of the law establishing that the first two changes do not require anything more than the will of the applicant, and it is only when one wants to do it the third time that a court ruling is required.

To conclude, we can confidently state that all these laws are attacks on the common sense, truth, logic and reason. The Spanish government wants to impose its vision on Spanish society at an accelerated pace so that the progressive ideology spreads among the population, normalizing madness.

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‘Ideological laws in Spain have been passed one after the other since Pedro Sánchez came into power. He has attempted to normalize gender ideology through laws, which has so far been a monumental failure. These laws are attacks on the common sense, truth, logic and reason.’