Hungarian Conservative

Reduced-Price Natural Gas Amounts to Be Calculated with Simplified Method from August, Hungarian Energy Group Announces

A gas metre photographed in 2012
Tibor Oláh/MTVA/MTI
From 1 August 2024, MVM will automatically adjust and record the amount of discounted natural gas at the reduced utility price for each day in the case of temperature-dependent monthly billing.

From 1 August 2024, MVM will automatically adjust and record the amount of discounted natural gas at the reduced utility price for each day, MVM Next announced on Thursday.

According to the announcement,

MVM has simplified and made the distribution method of the discount more predictable,

taking into account customer feedback. The change in the distribution of the discount does not affect the customary amount of reduced-price gas for the discount year, which MVM will continue to provide under the same conditions and at the same price for another one-year period.

The Hungarian state energy giant emphasized that the distribution of the discount will be uniform regardless of whether the customer uses the natural gas only for heating, or also for cooking and water heating. In the future, the distribution of the discounted amount will generally not depend on the actual temperature, as the discount amount will be fixed for each day in advance.

The distribution of the discounted amount will thus adapt to the heating season and the rhythm of consumption, with the discounted, reduced-price gas amount being higher in winter and lower in summer. For each billing period, it is necessary to check the number of days from each month included in the billing to determine the total daily discounted amount.

If the customer has not used the provided reduced-price gas amount by the end of the billing period, the unused savings will be used at the first possible opportunity to partially or fully account for higher consumption at the discounted price during that period.

For consumption before 1 August 2024, which falls under the previous discounted year, the discount will be allocated based on the previously valid, actual daily temperature-based characteristic curve.

The statement recalls that MVM previously simplified the distribution of the reduced-price natural gas from April 2024 in the case of even billing. For these customers, the distribution is uniform regardless of the temperature throughout the year: customers opting for such billing receive the same discounted amount every day of the year, similar to the distribution of the discounted electricity amount.

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From 1 August 2024, MVM will automatically adjust and record the amount of discounted natural gas at the reduced utility price for each day in the case of temperature-dependent monthly billing.