Hungarian Conservative

Historic July Low in Unemployment Figures Since Transition to Market Economy

Growing employment illustration, Pixabay
Dirk Wouters/Pixabay
To increase employment and mobilize the nearly 300,000 strong domestic labour market reserve, the government is continually working to ensure that everyone who can and wants to work has the opportunity to do so.

In July 2024 the number of registered jobseekers reached a record low, marking the most favourable July data since the transition to a market economy, as highlighted by Sándor Czomba, State Secretary for Employment Policy at the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), in a statement on Friday.

According to data from the National Employment Service (NFSZ), 224,000 people were recorded as jobseekers, representing the second-best figure in the past three decades, he recalled. He emphasized that compared to July of the previous year, the number of registered jobseekers decreased by more than three thousand, indicating a continuous improvement in the domestic employment situation. Over the year, the activity of the domestic labour market increased by 44,000 compared to the second quarter of 2023, with the number of economically active women rising by 39,000 and men by 5,000, detailed the State Secretary.

To increase employment and mobilize the nearly 300,000 strong domestic labour market reserve, the government is continually working to ensure that everyone who can and wants to work has the opportunity to do so. In support of this, as the State Secretary reiterated, the government has launched labour market programmes funded by approximately 460 billion HUF from the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme Plus (GINOP Plus) until 2030. In addition to job creation, the government significantly supports training programmes. Under the GINOP Plus 3.2.1 priority project, co-financed by the European Social Fund, employers can submit their applications for workplace training implementation until the end of September, Sándor Czomba pointed out.

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To increase employment and mobilize the nearly 300,000 strong domestic labour market reserve, the government is continually working to ensure that everyone who can and wants to work has the opportunity to do so.