Hungarian Conservative

Flooding in Hungary: Over 4,000 People Mobilized for Defence

The Danube flooding in Budapest
The Danube flooding in Budapest on 18 September 2024
Péter Lakatos/MTI
Prime Minister Orbán briefed the press on the status of flood defence in Hungary on Wednesday. He shared that intense defence efforts are ongoing at twelve key locations along the Mosonmagyaróvár section of the Danube and Leitha rivers, as well as in Budapest and several settlements at the Danube Bend.

A total of 4,392 people, including the water management authorities and disaster management personnel, police, as well as convicted prisoners are participating in flood defences, with the most challenging locations currently being Pest County town Pilismarót, certain sections of Route 11, Margaret Island in Budapest and the Batthyány Square section of the Metro Line 2 of the capital, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated during a press conference in Budapest following the Wednesday morning meeting of the flood defence operational task force.

The Prime Minister indicated that flood defence efforts, such as raising embankments, applying plastic sheeting, and constructing temporary dykes are ongoing at twelve key locations along the Mosonmagyaróvár section of the Danube and Leitha (Lajta) rivers, where a total of 39,335 sandbags have been deployed. Work is also being carried out at 31 locations along municipal defence lines, where so far 1,421,500 sandbags have been filled, most of which have already been used.

Viktor Orbán speaks at the press conference on 19 September 2024 in Budapest. PHOTO: Szilárd Koszticsák/MTI

In Pilismarót approximately 500 people are working, with 35,000 sandbags needed to be installed. The readiness of the temporary dyke has now reached 70 per cent, ‘so we need to continue working there today and tomorrow,’ Orbán said. Certain sections of Route 11 cannot be protected, and as a result, the operational task force has decided to open alternative routes to bypass the closed sections. Viktor Orbán also mentioned that Margaret Island and the Batthyány Square section of Metro Line 2 in Budapest present significant challenges, as it is impossible to prevent water from seeping in. However, water management experts have committed to redirecting the infiltrating water towards drainage grates, which could possibly prevent the suspension of metro services on the line.

The Danube flooding at Szentendre and Kisoroszi on 18 September 2024 PHOTO: Gergely Jánossy/MTI

In connection with flood defence efforts the government has also established a toll-free hotline, Bence Rétvári, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior announced during a press conference following the Thursday morning meeting of the flood defence operational task force, which was also attended by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Bence Rétvári stated that at dialling the hotline number citizens can request information and make reports regarding the flood situation, as well as submit offers of assistance. He also reported that, according to a recent government decree, vehicles participating in the defence efforts marked with yellow distinguishing signs will be allowed to use bus lanes.

Regarding the Szentendre Island settlement of Kisoroszi, Bence Rétvári noted that the village, which is surrounded by the Danube, is prepared for isolation, with supplies of food and sandbags stocked up. Additionally, the ambulance service has stationed a fully equipped ambulance in the village. Furthermore, a helicopter landing site has been constructed in case there is an urgent need to deliver or transport anything to or from Kisoroszi.

Read more:

Danube Flood Warning in Place for 1,200 Kilometres
Prime Minister Orbán briefed the press on the status of flood defence in Hungary on Wednesday. He shared that intense defence efforts are ongoing at twelve key locations along the Mosonmagyaróvár section of the Danube and Leitha rivers, as well as in Budapest and several settlements at the Danube Bend.