Budapest Airport to Honour 75 Years of History with Cultural Events in 2025

The Liszt Ferenc International Airport
Szilárd Koszticsák/MTI
While the 2024 travel season continues, Liszt Ferenc International Airport is already preparing for 2025, when it will celebrate its 75th anniversary with a series of special cultural events. The celebrations will not only commemorate the airport’s history but also honour the life and work of composer Franz Liszt, whose name the airport proudly bears since 2011.

This article was first published in Hungarian on the website of our sister publication Magyar Krónika.

Although this year’s travel season is still ongoing, Liszt Ferenc International Airport is already focusing on preparations for next year. In 2025 the airport will celebrate its 75th anniversary, marked by a special series of cultural events. The celebration will also pay tribute to the life’s work of composer Franz Liszt.

Behind the scenes at Liszt Ferenc International Airport, preparations for the coming year are already in full swing. For Budapest Airport, 2024 is a particularly important year, as they not only aim to attract new, exciting destinations and enhance the quality of services with further developments, but a significant anniversary is also approaching: on 7 May 2025, Hungary will celebrate the 75th birthday of Liszt Ferenc International Airport.

The history of the airport dates back to the 1700s. At that time, Bavarian brewer Franz Mayer settled in Hungary, and his son, Mayerffy Xavér Ferenc, rented the hills between Vecsés and Rákoshegy and planted vineyards in the area. The locals named the region Ferihegy after the successful farmer, and in 1942, it became the site for the construction of Budapest Airport. Although World War II delayed its grand opening, Budapest Ferihegy International Airport officially opened on 7 May 1950 and has since become the hub of air traffic in Hungary.

‘In 2025 Budapest Airport will celebrate its 75th anniversary, to be marked by a special series of cultural events’

The name of the airport was changed more than half a century later, in 2011, when, by a decision of the National Assembly, it was renamed after the world-famous composer Franz Liszt. The new name not only honours the composer but also acknowledges the geographical location of the airport. Franz Liszt, a great traveller himself, visited almost every major European city, making the choice of name symbolically connect music and travel, two areas that create cross-border connections between people.

Hungary’s Thousand-Year-Old Musical Heritage — From Verbunkos to Liszt

In 2025, Budapest Airport is planning a series of cultural events to celebrate the anniversary, which is significant for another reason: it marks the 175th anniversary of one of Liszt’s most famous compositions, Liebesträume (Dreams of Love).

François Berisot, CEO of Budapest Airport, emphasized that Vinci Airports has always valued preserving the unique assets and traditions of the airports it operates. He noted that one of the main focuses for 2025, besides the airport’s developments and maintaining high-quality services, is to appropriately honour Franz Liszt’s legacy and the 75th anniversary of the airport.

Budapest Airport will provide further details about the series of events later. However, it is already certain that next year will be rich in special programmes, paying a fitting tribute to the history of Hungary’s gateway to the skies.

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While the 2024 travel season continues, Liszt Ferenc International Airport is already preparing for 2025, when it will celebrate its 75th anniversary with a series of special cultural events. The celebrations will not only commemorate the airport’s history but also honour the life and work of composer Franz Liszt, whose name the airport proudly bears since 2011.