Orbán: Hungary Opposes EU’s War Strategy, Pushes for Peace Talks

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary during his interview on 18 October 2024
Zoltán Fischer/Press Office of the Prime Minister/MTI
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán criticized the EU’s war posture in a recent radio interview on public Kossuth Radio, reaffirming Hungary’s stance against participating in the Ukrainian war efforts. He also called for peace negotiations and discussed Hungary’s distinct approach to migration, economic policies, and EU relations.

The EU is divided into two groups regarding the Ukrainian war: there are the others, and then there is us. From the outset, Hungary announced that it does not want to participate in the war efforts. Every other country talks about waging war against Russia–Viktor Orbán stated in an interview on public Kossuth Radio on Friday. The Prime Minister remarked that the Union behaves as a belligerent party.

‘The conflict cannot be resolved on the front lines; therefore, negotiations are necessary, and we must try to end the war as soon as possible, so we can return to peaceful life at once,’ he added. The Prime Minister indicated that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s victory plan could not succeed, only fail.

Ukraine’s Nuclear Plan

When asked about the suggestion that Ukraine is developing a nuclear bomb, the Prime Minister said that he had not heard about this from President Zelenskyy when they spoke in person. Since they communicate through interpreters, there could be slight differences in interpretation, according to the Prime Minister. Orbán explained that the services are working to determine whether Ukraine indeed has a nuclear strategy.

According to the Prime Minister, since the beginning of the war the positions have shifted in Russia’s favour, and therefore Ukraine cannot negotiate from a position of strength, even though this is what the West advises, while people continue to die on the front.

Pro-War European People’s Party

Orbán stated: ‘The European People’s Party (EPP) is fanning the flames the most, with Manfred Weber and others being the staunchest supporters of the war.’ The Prime Minister believes that the time for negotiations has come, and it would be good if the German Chancellor and French President started discussions with the Russians; but the European People’s Party holds a different position.

‘The EPP envisions a policy that is detrimental to Hungarians,’ he remarked, adding that last week’s debate in the European Parliament revealed that the EPP is dissatisfied with the current Hungarian government, instead wishing to see a government in Budapest that acts as Brussels’ representative, aligned with the Tisza Party, which belongs to the EPP.


According to Viktor Orbán, the EU’s greatest challenges are those for which Hungary offers different solutions. ‘What we are doing is what the European people want to see, and the opposite of what their governments are doing. This includes migration,’ he explained. He noted that in Hungary, there is no migration crisis, which serves as an example to the people of Europe in contrast to their own governments.

Yesterday Political Director for the Prime Minister of Hungary Balázs Orbán also stated that more and more people are now talking about what Hungary has been saying for years: that there is no other way to stop illegal migration than by ‘not allowing them to enter the territory of the European Union.’ He added that there are also discussions about keeping illegal migrants outside the Union and processing their asylum requests outside the EU.

He recalled that ‘Currently, EU law does not allow for asylum applications to be processed outside the Union. In fact, the country that has been doing this since 2015 was condemned and must pay the largest fine in EU history.’ This, he pointed out, shows that EU law and the asylum pact are part of the migration problem. Hungary and its allies are putting pressure on EU institutions, as their approach must change. Instead of punishing, they should support those countries that are working to stop illegal migration, he added, highlighting the position of Hungary regarding the issue.

Jó reggelt, Magyarország!

Jó reggelt, Magyarország!

Hungary, A Thorn in the Side

Viktor Orbán mentioned utility prices; in fact Hungarians pay the least for utility in Europe. ‘Hungary is a thorn in the side,’ said the Prime Minister, highlighting that Hungary is successfully managing its problems, as evidenced by the fact that while Germany’s economy stagnates, Hungary’s economy is growing. ‘The European People’s Party has put all its chips on one bet; we left them because their demands on Hungary were untenable. They found a party to replace us, which they want to bring to power and implement a programme that Hungary rejected because it would be detrimental to the people here. Hungarian domestic politics are now playing out in Brussels,’ Orbán stated.

The Prime Minister believes that Hungary’s ability to challenge certain EU countries increases its prestige. ‘We do things differently and it successfully elevates our standing in the world,’ he opined. PM Viktor Orbán also mentioned that Robert Fico has returned in excellent form after being shot, and next week there will be a summit involving Serbia, Slovakia, and Hungary, which will focus on migration. He added: ‘Hungary’s influence is greater than its size or actual economic and military strength would justify.’

National Consultation

The Prime Minister believes there will be surprises when the first-quarter economic figures are released in 2025. A national consultation will also take place, which he attributes great significance to, as according to the Prime Minister, this ‘sovereign’ economic policy should only be pursued if the people support it.

‘If there is a war, these plans will remain in the drawer, because in times of war, such economic policies are not needed,’ Viktor Orbán stated. He also emphasized that the country must be protected from migration, as an inundated nation cannot implement the economic policies the government plans, because migrants consume enormous sums of money.

Affordable Housing and Family Benefits System

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán indicated that affordable housing must be created for young people, family benefits must be doubled, and the Demján Sándor programme should involve small and medium-sized enterprises in economic growth. ‘The turnaround will be spectacular,’ he noted. Regarding the EU’s competitiveness, he stated that ‘we cannot compete if our competitors’ energy bills are lower, and high taxes also erode competitiveness.’

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Prime Minister Viktor Orbán criticized the EU’s war posture in a recent radio interview on public Kossuth Radio, reaffirming Hungary’s stance against participating in the Ukrainian war efforts. He also called for peace negotiations and discussed Hungary’s distinct approach to migration, economic policies, and EU relations.