Budapest’s First Animation Pitch Forum to Spotlight Emerging Talent

National Film Institute (NFI)
The first Hungarian Animation Pitch Forum, set to take place on 28 March at Budapest’s Toldi Cinema, has received 53 submissions across various categories. Organized with support from the National Film Institute, the event will offer Hungarian creators a pathway to present their work at the prestigious Annecy International Animation Festival.

The inaugural Hungarian Animation Pitch Forum will be held on 28 March at the Toldi Cinema in Budapest, showcasing emerging talent in the country’s animation industry. The National Film Institute (NFI) has announced that 53 projects have been submitted across various categories, marking a significant milestone for Hungarian animators.

The event offers Hungarian creators an opportunity to participate in the Annecy International Animation Film Festival’s dedicated pitch programme for Hungary, known as MIFA. This special recognition comes as Hungary is set to be the guest of honour at Annecy, the world’s most prestigious animation festival, in celebration of the 110th anniversary of Hungarian animation.

According to the organizers, this year’s Annecy festival will highlight Hungary’s most renowned animators, production studios, and emerging talent. The Pitch Forum, organized by the Friss Hús Short Film Festival with the support of the NFI, is a key step in preparing young Hungarian animators for the international stage.

A professional jury will select up to 12 outstanding projects from the submitted applications. These finalists will present their work at the public pitch event in Budapest, with the most promising projects earning a spot at the MIFA film market, where they can showcase their ideas to an international professional audience.

Selected participants will undergo specialized training sessions organized by the Friss Hús Budapest International Short Film Festival team. These sessions will prepare them for the 2025 Annecy Festival’s Partner Pitch event, where they will present their projects in English to industry experts.

The Hungarian Animation Pitch Forum jury includes prominent figures from the animation and film industry.

Hungary’s status as the guest of honour at Annecy was initiated by the National Film Institute in recognition of the country’s long-standing contribution to animation. As part of this celebration, a special video presentation on the 110-year history of Hungarian animation has been released.

110 éves a magyar animáció!

110 éves a magyar animáció! A magyar film napján, április 30-án indul el a hazai animáció kivételesen gazdag történetét bemutató honlap, a A Magyar Animáció 110 emlékév alkalmából indított oldal a nagyközönség és a szakma képviselői számára is érdekfeszítő, folyamatosan bővülő tartalmakkal mutatja be a legérdekesebb animációs technikákat, a stábok munkáját és a legendás műhelyeket, köztük a Kecskemétfilmet, a Pannóniát és a Varga Stúdiót.

The first Hungarian Animation Pitch Forum marks a crucial step in elevating Hungarian animation on the global stage. By fostering emerging talent and providing international exposure, the event aims to strengthen Hungary’s presence in the animation industry for years to come.

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The first Hungarian Animation Pitch Forum, set to take place on 28 March at Budapest’s Toldi Cinema, has received 53 submissions across various categories. Organized with support from the National Film Institute, the event will offer Hungarian creators a pathway to present their work at the prestigious Annecy International Animation Festival.