The EU Needs Hungary as Much as Hungary Needs the EU

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, and former European Council President Charles Michel (L-R)
Attila Kisbenedek/AFP
‘To suggest swapping Hungary for Ukraine simply because the Hungarian government does not fall in line on critical issues and instead maintains a consistent, principled position is not only impossible but reckless. It would trigger a series of developments that could ultimately lead to the EU’s collapse—a risk that already looms large.’

It is always amusing to watch scholars across the Atlantic attempt to decode Hungary’s position within the European Union, its stance on the war in Ukraine, and the transformation of the country under Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. What makes it even more amusing—though somewhat grim—is reading their carefully constructed, seemingly scholarly arguments that are based on fundamentally flawed and biased assumptions or, as in this case, serve the interests of certain political forces and countries.

In a recently published opinion piece in the Washington-based outlet The Hill, American historian and political scientist Alexander J Motyl argues that it is time for the European Union to expel Hungary from its ranks. This line of argument is neither new nor surprising—we’ve heard it countless times before, and we will likely continue hearing it in the years ahead, at least until sovereignist, national interest–driven governance replaces ideology-based progressivism across the EU. Nevertheless, some of Motyl’s points demand clarification, as they are profoundly detached from reality.

No Free Ride for Hungary

For starter, Motyl claims that ‘Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s government rejects just about all the values and principles the EU stands for while remaining the recipient of European largesse,’ adding that ‘Hungary is getting a free ride.’

Motyl is referring to the fact that Hungary—along with most of Southern and Eastern Europe, the Baltic states, and even Belgium—is a net recipient of EU funds. In fact, according to European Commission data, Hungary is among the top three beneficiaries of EU funding, with only Greece and Poland receiving more from the common budget.

However, anyone with a basic understanding of international relations knows that the EU does not give money ‘for free’ out of the goodness of its heart. The original framework of the EU, which began as an economic integration of the most developed Western European countries, continues to serve the strategic and economic interests of these very states—most notably Germany and France.

‘Anyone with a basic understanding of international relations knows that the EU does not give money “for free” out of the goodness of its heart’

The free movement of people within the EU has allowed a significant portion of the Eastern European workforce to migrate to Western countries. These workers are often exploited—paid less than their Western counterparts and provided with inadequate working conditions. Meanwhile, the persistent wage gap between Western and Eastern Europe continues to serve the interests of the wealthier member states—who are, in fact, largely responsible for the existence of that gap in the first place.

Take Germany and Hungary, for example—Germany being the largest contributor to the EU budget and the country that, according to Motyl, would do well to kick Hungary out. Germany has reaped enormous benefits from Hungary’s EU membership. German car manufacturers like Audi, Mercedes-Benz and Opel have set up major operations in Hungary, taking advantage of the country’s strategic location, skilled labour force, and business-friendly environment. This is hardly a ‘free ride’ for Hungary, especially given that much of the EU funding it is entitled to has been withheld on politically biased grounds in recent years.

The German Automotive Industry in Hungary: An Unhealthy Dependence?

Motyl then invokes Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union, which lists the values upon which the EU is founded—human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, and respect for human rights, including minority rights. He cites human rights watchdog Freedom House to argue that Hungary is on the path to becoming a dictatorship akin to Russia, drifting away from these values.

This tired argument has been recycled countless times. It’s worth noting, however, that Freedom House is one of the largest recipients of funding from USAID and also receives significant support from Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros. After US President Donald Trump exposed the USAID-funded globalist network and its agenda of undermining conservative governments, little explanation is needed as to why Freedom House's assessments are biased when it comes to Hungary—and why Motyl’s argument built on such findings lacks credibility.

It’s All About Ukraine

In the final part of his article, Motyl’s real motive becomes clear. ‘The last issue [the war in Ukraine]—along with the question of Ukraine’s accession to the EU—could finally be dealt with swiftly and efficiently, without Orbán’s unconstructive interference,’ he writes. So here is the case: Motyl—whose parents emigrated from Western Ukraine after World War II, and whose academic work is largely focused on Ukraine in one way or another—now wants to replace Hungary with Ukraine in the European Union.

But his arguments fall flat, even on his own terms. From an economic perspective, Ukraine’s EU accession would be catastrophic not only for Eastern Europe but for the EU as a whole. Kyiv’s membership would drain cohesion funds and risk collapsing the Union’s already strained financial structure. This is a concern shared—though not publicly expressed—by many EU leaders. One only has to read Motyl’s outburst to understand why they stay silent about it.

As for the Article 2 criteria, Ukraine fails to meet any of them. The country has long violated minority rights, particularly affecting the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia. Ruling by decree, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has repeatedly used his powers to sideline political opponents. At least 11 political parties and one church have been banned in Ukraine—and the list could go on.

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Not to mention the staggering levels of corruption reaching the highest ranks of power, with the Ukrainian president himself admitting that Kyiv cannot account for more than half of the US assistance allocated to the country. Back in 2023 Zelenskyy’s former adviser Oleksii Arestovych offered a blunt assessment of his former boss:

‘First, someone behaves like a dictator and, instead of following the normal path of accelerated development, chooses stagnation. Then someone breeds massive corruption. Then someone breeds hatred for any opinion different from their own.’

To suggest swapping Hungary for Ukraine simply because the Hungarian government does not fall in line on critical issues and instead maintains a consistent, principled position is not only impossible but reckless. It would trigger a series of developments that could ultimately lead to the EU’s collapse—a risk that already looms large.

Fortunately, no one in power in Europe is seriously considering this. Despite the recurring threats and hostile rhetoric, the reality remains: the European Union needs Hungary just as much as Hungary needs the European Union. Period.

Related articles:

‘Let the people decide on Ukraine’ — An Interview with Balázs Hidvéghi
Trump (and Hungary) Were Right on Ukraine — The Hill Breaks Western Narrative
‘To suggest swapping Hungary for Ukraine simply because the Hungarian government does not fall in line on critical issues and instead maintains a consistent, principled position is not only impossible but reckless. It would trigger a series of developments that could ultimately lead to the EU’s collapse—a risk that already looms large.’