Hungarian Conservative

Search results: RMDSZ

RMDSZ President Hunor Kelemen Highlights Best Election Results in Twenty Years

At the Union’s Representative Council (SZKT) meeting in Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) on Thursday, the RMDSZ president stated that the alliance is the only credible representative of Hungarians in Transylvania. He explained that the RMDSZ serves as a tool for Hungarian advocacy and as an organizer for the Hungarian community in Transylvania, with over 90 per cent of votes for Hungarian parties going to RMDSZ candidates in this year’s local elections.

Hungarian Government Denies Rumours of Single-Member Constituencies Across the Border

From time to time, the left-wing media circulate rumours that the Hungarian government is planning to create single-member constituencies in areas inhabited by Hungarians living beyond the border, such as Transylvania or Carpathia. This time, it was Péter Magyar, the leader of the opposition Tisza party, who initiated the spread of these false rumours, which the government has repeatedly denied. The left has consistently looked down upon Hungarians living beyond the borders, continually blaming them for their own political failures.

The Hungarian Community in Transylvania Is Viable

The 9 June, Sunday European Parliament and municipal elections in Romania resulted in a historical success for the Hungarian ethnic minority, with the best results achieved in twenty years. As RMDSZ President Hunor Kelemen put it, the mandates RMDSZ won are not just numbers; they also send the message that there is a strong, viable Transylvanian Hungarian community that wants to shape its own future and plans on staying in its homeland.

‘Young people are interested, but just not familiar enough with Hungarian organizations’ — An Interview with Hungarian American Coalition Fellow Luca Mórocz

Luca Mórocz, who came to the U.S. in 2017 as a Hungarian American Coalition (HAC) intern and has worked as a foreign exchange diplomat at the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs assigned to the U.S. State Department’s Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, is currently living and studying in Washington, D.C., organizing various HAC events and a leadership training program. In the interview she talks about her experience in the US, her professional career, and shares her thoughts regarding the challenges of youth engagement Hungarian organizations in the United States face while introducing her new project, the HYPE Network.

Fidesz Wins by Third Highest Margin, with Third Highest Vote Share in Europe

The long-ruling right-wing Fidesz party won by the third largest margin in the European Parliamentary elections last night, behind the PSD-PNL big tent coalition in Romania and long-time ally Marine Le Pen’s right-wing populist Rassemblement National in France. Fidesz also got the third highest vote share, behind PSD-PNL’s 53 per cent and the Maltese Labour Party’s 45 per cent.

Central Europe, Right, Face!

In this analysis the number of right-wing MEPs who won seats in the 2019 European parliamentary elections are compared to how many seats right-wing parties are predicted to win this year. The countries covered are Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria.