Search results: Rod Dreher

Rod Dreher Calls Ron DeSantis ‘Pure Orbán’ In Interview With Dave Rubin

Famed American internet personality and political commentator Dave Rubin sat down with writer and columnist Rod Dreher, also from the US, in Budapest, Hungary to discuss the state of conservatism in their home country and Hungary. They both see Prime Minister Orbán as a good model to follow for conservatives in America, and agree that he is being misrepresented in American mainstream media.

Hungarian Conservative Podcast 01: Live Not by Lies (Rod Dreher)

‘Live Not by Lies’ – goes the famous Solzhenitsyn quote which is also the title of Rod Dreher’s recently published new book. Our podcast host and contributor, Péter Heltai speaks to Mr. Dreher about his work (which has also been reviewed in the first issue), the soft totalitarian phenomenon and the future of dissident voices […]

Dreher Invests Seven Billion Forints in Can Production

With the establishment of the new production hall, modern laboratory, and the deployment of one of the most advanced production lines, the company is getting closer to its sustainability goals. Dreher aims to make its production processes carbon neutral by 2030.

Meet the Törleys, the Zwacks and the Drehers, Creators of Unique Hungarian Brands

Traditional Hungarian drinks range from the bittersweet Unicum and the fizzy fröccs to the Hungarian lager Dreher and the sparkling Törley. Some of the iconic brands were created by distinguished families, whose legacy lives on, even if the companies manufacturing the drinks they created do not necessarily belong to those dynasties any more.