Hungarian Conservative

Search results: debrecen

BMW to Construct Hungary’s Largest Solar Power Plant in Debrecen

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, BMW is building a solar power plant in Debrecen, Hungary, spanning an area equivalent to 71 football fields. It will be the largest within the BMW Group, and the largest industrial solar power plant in Hungary. further affirming Hungary’s position as a global leader in the green economy.

Debrecen BMW Plant to Pioneer Fossil Fuel-Free Production with Cutting-Edge Technologies

Through the application of various new processes and systems, such as power-to-heat, Heat Grid, and eRTO, the Debrecen facility will be the first paint shop in BMW Group’s global production network to fully abandon the use of fossil fuels. The new vehicle factory in Debrecen, where trial production will commence by the end of this year, will serve as a model for all future plants based on the BMW iFACTORY principles.