Hungarian Conservative

Search Results for: donald trump

‘With Donald Trump in the White House, the abusive relationship between Washington and Budapest will end. U.S. Ambassador David Pressman will be replaced by someone who actually understands the need
With Donald Trump having secured his first victory in the Republican primaries, the European left is drumming up fear of the former US President’s possible return to the White House.
Biden’s abrupt exit from the presidential race and anointment of Vice President Kamala Harris as his would-be successor has certainly left world leaders in disarray—not that they were not expecting
According to a recent poll, an absolute majority of Hungarians would prefer to see Donald Trump as the next president of the United States. The survey results indicate that the
‘Donald Trump is the president of peace,’ Viktor Orbán said in an interview with public M1 television. The interview focused, among other topics, on the Hungarian prime minister’s visit to
Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris blatantly copied Donald Trump’s proposal for eliminating taxes on tips, as well as including a very similar plan for child tax credit in her economic
‘The vast majority of Americans and various politicians, whether Democrat or Republican, have come out in support of Trump. Most of the statements have aimed to show unity rather than
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán travelled to Florida for the fifth stop of his peace mission, where he was received by former US President Donald Trump. Trump thanked Orbán for
Donald Trump has been charged with criminal offences for a second time this year, this time in federal court. The Republican presidential frontrunner allegedly mishandled classified information related to national
As more and more people from his own party call on President Biden to step aside, President Trump’s victory in the 2024 US presidential election seems more certain by the