Hungarian Conservative

Month: May 2024

According to Fanni Lajkó, an analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights, Europe faces two paths in the upcoming June elections: succumbing to pro-war views or rising up to restore
An ethnic Hungarian woman in Trascaprathia, Ukraine, who asked to remain anonymous, penned an open letter, asking for prayers for the men and their families in Ukraine who are in
According to a survey commissioned by liberal think tank Republikon, Szentkirályi has managed to rally the Fidesz base in the capital, while Karácsony has succeeded in garnering support from the
Social media plays a significant role in young people’s lives: according to research conducted by the Hungarian Media Authority, children use popular social media sites daily. The aim of the
The first scientific results from the Euclid mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) have arrived, including five new images of the universe with unprecedented detail, which showcase the telescope’s
Ilaria Salis, an Italian anti-fascist activist, was moved from a Budapest prison to house arrest on Thursday morning after spending over 15 months in custody. The court had ordered the
‘The history of European integration is in fact nothing more than the history of the power struggle of the EU institutions. The powers of the institutions at the core of
The contrast between the brilliant achievements of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary and the inertia of the kingdom of the Jagiellonians is almost a cliché in Hungarian history. To this
Kossuth Prize-winning Hungarian writer Péter Nádas was denied a prestigious literary prize in Germany solely because he is a ‘white man.’ Two outraged members of the seven-member jury reported the
The recent visit of Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó to Brunei underscores Hungary’s strategic intent to strengthen its relationships with burgeoning economic regions, notably the Association of Southeast Asian Nations