Hungarian Conservative

Day: June 7, 2024

Silvana Heißenberg was a renowned actress in Germany until she publicly criticized Angela Merkel’s migration policy. Following this, she was labelled a Nazi, subjected to a smear campaign, and effectively
Hungary’s industrial output grew by 6.4 per cent year-on-year in April, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced. However, adjusted to working days, the data actually shows a 2.4 per
The 4 June conference organized by the Climate Policy Institute of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium focused on ESG and its effects on society, the economy, business and social perceptions.
The majority of the EU tries to alleviate the demographic and labour market challenges by promoting digitalization, increasing the activity of the over-65 age group and pushing back the retirement
‘Although the seemingly insurmountable challenge of these rapid changes may make us justifiably depressed, we need to think about the future of our children. Although they didn’t choose these changes,
Despite slipping slightly from first place according to the exit polls, Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) managed to significantly increase the number of MEPs it is to send to
According to the E21 initiative, recently launched with the participation of public, scientific, and economic experts to support Hungary’s green transition, the government’s Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme incentivizes designated participants
‘States are free to reject decisions or judgements that are inconsistent with the treaties they signed,’ Senior Research Fellow at the European Centre for Law and Justice Nicolas Bauer told
‘On multiple occasions, on camera, Jakab was explained that he is currently part of the legislative branch of the government, and he is in the running to lead the executive,
The last-minute withdrawal of the Fidesz candidate might propel Dávid Vitézy into the lead only two days ahead of the elections.