Hungarian Conservative

Day: July 8, 2024

In December last year a new law created a distinct category for ‘EU minorities’ in Ukraine (such as the Hungarian and Romanian ethnic minorities) that now have access to more
After just one week since its foundation, Patriots for Europe (PfE) has been officially accredited as a political group in the new European Parliament. With 84 MEPs from 12 member
The government will support households with up to 5 million HUF per property in the production and storage of green energy by installing solar panels.
The New Popular Front, an electoral alliance including the far left, has won the second round of the French National Assembly elections. Despite finishing third, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally
‘The left and progressives are following the same strategy everywhere in Europe. Scholz, in 2023, said he hoped to naturalize two million immigrants and soften the immigration law to attract
A clip of PM Orbán of Hungary citing George Soros’ European migration plan published in 2015 in Project Syndicate was recently shared on the social media site X in reference
On the afternoon of 8 July, Patriots for Europe, the sovereigntist alliance recently founded by Viktor Orbán, Herbert Kickl, and Andrej Babiš, is to officially become a political group in
It is important for Hungarians that China advocates for peace in the world, stated Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Monday in Beijing, where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Budapest residents and tourists visiting the capital will enjoy the most spectacular fireworks display ever. More people will be able to enjoy the play of fire and light than before:
The integration of the countries of the region into the EU is a decades-long process, the positive outcome of which is still to be seen. Thus, the number of Eurosceptics