Hungarian Conservative

Day: July 11, 2024

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s peace mission has prompted EU ambassadors to consider punitive measures against Hungary. According to POLITICO, the envoys criticized the country during a meeting that lasted
As Itamar Eichner phrased in his Ynet News article, ‘Without the opposition from Israel’s friends in the EU, such as Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Germany, the EU might
In the first half of the year, there was an increase in migration inflows at most of the European Union’s external borders, particularly in the Canary Islands, the border with
Speaking at the opening event of the International Young Physicists’ Tournament (IYPT) for secondary school students at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), State Secretary Varga-Bajusz highlighted that
PM Orbán is reportedly travelling to Palm Beach, Florida after the conclusion of the NATO summit in Washington, DC to meet with Former US President Donald Trump. The two statesmen
As expected, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is continuing the peace mission he started in Kyiv last week at the NATO summit in Washington, DC. Meanwhile, the defence alliance is
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó discussed the consultations between Hungary and Türkiye at the NATO summit as part of the ‘peace mission’ initiated with Hungary’s assumption of
‘This new coalition (between the EPP, S&D, and Renew) wants to ignore what has been decided by free and sovereign nations that have grown tired of the policies imposed by