Hungarian Conservative

Day: September 11, 2024

‘If the West wants to maintain its geopolitical weight and address its internal tensions, it should focus primarily on solving its own structural problems…, rather than transforming these internal problems
Vice President Kamala Harris did a lot better against President Donald Turmp than Joe Biden, that is undeniable. However, there are a lot of saving graces for President Trump’s performance.
‘For us Hungarians it is easy to empathize with Americans over their national tragedy, 9/11, given Hungary’s centuries-long history of tragic events. In many ways, 9/11 is similar to Trianon—the
Although no sources have confirmed that the Hungarian Ministry of Defence has officially expressed interest in the Sigma system, this state-of-the-art technology could easily fit into Hungary’s ongoing force development
After the 5–0 loss against Germany, the Hungarian football national team tied Bosnia and Herzegovina 0–0 in the UEFA Nations League. Nevertheless, Marco Rossi has been through rough periods with
The OECD has published its Education at a Glance 2024 report, which examines the state of educational systems and the challenges they face in various countries up to 2023. The
Out of the 38 bearings on the Kőröshegy Viaduct (each supporting 4,500 tonnes when in place), three had become significantly worn and needed to be replaced. The viaduct will be
The film, which tells the story of the world-renowned Hungarian doctor Ignác Semmelweis, won the award for Best Film at the Toronto EU Film Festival based on audience votes. In
Hungarian EU Affairs Minister János Bóka gave a detailed presentation on the first day of the conference co-organized by the Danube Institute, outlining the key priorities of the Hungarian EU