Hungarian Conservative

Day: September 12, 2024

Minister for European Union Affairs János Bóka has been delegated to negotiate with Brussels about the €200 million fine Hungary received for failing to meet migrant quotas, Gergely Gulyás also
The European Union’s industrial strategy prioritizes the green and digital transformation of the automotive industry, with a strong focus on promoting electromobility. Hungarian State Secretary for Industrial Policy and Technology
In order to ensure the high-quality execution of the project, a two-stage international design competition will be launched for the new exhibition building by the Debrecen Infrastructure Development Ltd on
This week, Germany, the European Union’s largest economy and one of the founding members of the Schengen area, decided to reintroduce border controls along its entire land border in response
The exhibition, open until 24 November, showcases the role of traditional craftsmanship in contemporary visual art through over three hundred artefacts. The objects are displayed within both ethnographic and applied
Accompanied by the music of Hungarian composer György Ligeti, 2001: A Space Odyssey explores the origins of human life, with the screenplay co-written by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick
An in-depth interview with Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Programme scholars Ágnes and István Vámosi, who undertook the responsibility of teaching Hungarian folk dance in Los Angeles for two years with their