In a recent op-ed published on NewsMax, CASEPAC Executive Director Bryan Leib expressed his conviction that support for Israel and the Jewish people ‘starts at the top,’ reminding that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán tweeted his condemnation of the brutal attack by Hamas as soon as news of it broke. Orbán also stood up for Israel’s right to self-defence, he noted, stressing that all of this is refreshing, especially when he sees antisemitism growing in America, and thousands of Americans taking to the streets to support Hamas.
As a result of a series of government initiatives, both households and institutional players have significantly increased their holdings of government bonds. In an unprecedented manner, households now hold a larger amount of government bonds than bank deposits.
The Kopp Mária Institute for Demography and Families (KINCS) held a conference to mark World Mental Health Day on 10 October, unveiling a survey that found that the happiest individuals in Hungary are those living in a marriage or raising children.
Magyar Vagon Ltd. is affiliated with the President and CEO of MOL, Zsolt Hernáda, who, as of the 2023 edition of the list, is the seventh most influential individual in Hungary.
Viktor Orbán met the Georgian prime minister this week. He is expected to also attend a forum in China, where Vladimir Putin will also be present. This could be the first time the two meet since the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war.
In a recent Facebook post, Péter Szijjártó informed that he had a phone conversation with the South Korean Foreign Minister Park Joo, in which they discussed not only issues of bilateral cooperation but also the significant challenges facing international security.
From 1 January, a new beverage packaging return system will be introduced in Hungary, where all beverage packaging labelled for return, including single-use glass, metal, and plastic bottles, will be eligible for return. When purchasing, customers will pay a uniform return fee of 50 forints per bottle, which will be reimbursed in the form of vouchers upon return.
Nestlé Hungária Kft.’s recent capacity expansion investment in Bük is set to create 280 new job opportunities, marking yet another milestone in Hungary’s impressive year of record-breaking investments, exports, and employment, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó made the announcement at the project’s inauguration ceremony.
According to the Kieselbach Gallery’s statement, this artwork, which evokes the spirit of the Paris School, Cézanne’s blues, the antique sculptures of the Louvre, and Henri Matisse’s nude painting, is one of the most beautiful still lives in modern Hungarian painting.
Airlines are systematically cancelling or suspending their flights to Israel since the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas launched a comprehensive attack on the Jewish state on Saturday morning, resulting in hundreds of casualties. This resulted in significant drops in the companies’ share prices.
The opening film of the festival is Kim Hee-jung’s 2023 work titled Where Would You Like to Go? which, like the director’s previous films, deals with a profound life event and, more specifically, the altered perception of reality resulting from it.
Minister Szijjártó expressed Hungary’s deep concern over the Israel terrorist attacks and their potential consequences, which could easily lead to one of the largest humanitarian disasters in history. He believes that this tragedy occurred at the worst possible time, as the process of normalizing the situation had just begun, and significant steps had been taken towards peace, which now could be jeopardized and rendered null.
Szili, who has participated in the commemoration event in previous years, recalled the inhumanity of the displacements and discussed the lasting consequences of the Beneš Decrees, the necessity of retaining ethnic-based politics, as well as the current state of national minorities and their possibilities for improvement in connection with the upcoming European Parliament elections next year.
‘The first thing we can wish for Israel in the current situation is that it should regain control over the entire territory of the state of Israel and establish the security guarantees needed to prevent similar bestial attacks from happening in the future,’ Gulyás said.
Inflation fell for the eighth month in a row after peaking at 25.7 per cent in January. Food prices rose by 15.2 per cent in September, after a 19.5 per cent increase in the previous month.
After meeting Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Geneva, Switzerland, Minister Szijjártó stated that they have been working together for a long time, as he previously served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs for his country, Ethiopia, thus their relationship dates back to that time. ‘I have always valued his work; he was able to keep the WHO as a politically neutral, professional organization, which was crucial in overcoming the coronavirus,’ Minister Szijjártó stated about the health official.
The international celebrity last visited Hungary in 2010 when she directed her first film, In the Land of Blood and Honey. After 13 years, she is returning to Budapest to shoot a film about the world-renowned opera singer Maria Callas.
The Budapest World Championships set a new standard for everyone, and the numbers released by Nielsen support this statement. Based on data measured on-site by the company, it was revealed that spectators were ‘extremely satisfied to an extraordinary, unprecedented extent’ with the 2023 World Athletics Championship in Hungary.
The situation in Israel remains ‘extremely worrying’, with some areas practically in a state of war, Minister Szijjártó said, according to a statement by the Foreign Ministry. The Hungarian government’s top priority in such a case of emergency is to ensure the safety of Hungarians, he added.
László Sólyom is remembered for his significant role in Hungary’s transition to democracy and his dedication to upholding the principles of constitutionalism. His work as a legal scholar, his contributions to the National Round Table talks, and his leadership as the first President of the Constitutional Court have left a lasting impact on Hungary’s legal and political landscape.
‘It is important to note that all food and even water should be consumed in moderation,’ Secretary-General of the Hungarian Energy Drinks Association Sándor Csibi said, emphasizing that the association believes in protecting children from all health hazards, but in this case, they advocate for education and awareness instead of a ban.
State Secretary Balázs Hankó discussed recent efforts to strengthen international relationships, prepare for university collaborations, and launch successful applications for international funding in higher education, citing Hungarian Nobel laureates serve as outstanding examples.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, speaking in Granada at a meeting of European Union member state leaders, asserted that there is no hope for an agreement among the heads of state and government on the issue of migration.
Hungary marks a solemn occasion on 6 October: the nation remembers the courageous military leaders of Hungary’s anti-Habsburg revolution and war of independence who were executed on this day in 1849.
On September 29, the Újbuda local government honoured Tibor Bodor, an actor known in Hungary for his roles in numerous plays and films, who recorded almost 9000 hours of audiobooks that help the studies of the visually impaired to this day.
In his meeting with the President of the European Council, Orbán reiterated Hungary’s position on issues such as EU funds for Hungary, the increasingly serious migration crisis at the continent’s borders, Europe’s economic and competitiveness decline, and the EU budget.
Despite the sanctions and the war driving up energy prices, the Hungarian measures to combat inflation and price increases are undeniably working. While EU countries scramble to look for new avenues to import electricity and gas, the Hungarian plans and contracts have managed to keep energy prices at affordable levels for citizens.
Fidesz-KDNP MEPs spoke out firmly against the mandatory distribution of migrants in the EU following the debate on the new EU asylum and migration package in the European Parliament. ID and ECR MEPs expressed the same sentiment to the Hungarian press.
According to data provided by the Slovak Ministry of the Interior, the number of illegal migrants arriving in Slovakia through the Western Balkans route began to significantly increase in August of last year. From the beginning of this year up until now, nearly 40,000 illegal immigrants have entered the country, which is 11 times more than during the same period last year.
Hungary is actively working to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Chad, recognizing the potential repercussions for all of Europe. State Secretary responsible for aiding persecuted Christians Tristan Azbej highlighted the Central African country’s crucial role as a stable state in a volatile region which faces a growing influx of refugees.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.