Picture of Evelyn Whitehead

Evelyn Whitehead

Evelyn Whitehead attended Franciscan University of Steubenville where she majored in Philosophy, then accepted a scholarship to attend Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Florida, where she graduated summa cum laude. Evelyn clerked on the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims for Judge Scott Laurer. She is a Fellow of the Good Counselor Project with Napa Legal Institute, Americans United for Life, and the Dietrich von Hildebrand Project student fellowship program. For the duration of her Budapest Fellowship, Evelyn is working with the Axioma Center, mentored by Dr Norbert Filemon. Her research areas are culture, the human person, and life and family policy.
‘Americans need a new vision. They need to see what the pro-life movement has been offering all along, but with new emphasis. As Vance demonstrates, the playbook for really moving