Picture of Lili Zemplényi

Lili Zemplényi

Lili Zemplényi is a graduate of University College London (UCL). Currently, she is completing her MA at the Higher School of Economics. Previously, she worked as an intern at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Political Science.
No surprises expected: the Kremlin is preparing for the 2024 presidential elections with hand-picked candidates and restrictions.
The Austro–Hungarian Empire was not a colonial empire in the traditional meaning of the word—however, there were a number of attempts on the part of the Dual Monarchy to establish
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, a Széchenyi Prize winning Hungarian American psychologist, is best known for his theory of ‘flow’, a mental state that is the key to a harmonious and contented life.
The Zsolnay family’s tireless effort to innovate made the company one of the most successful manufacturers of the Astro-Hungarian times and Zsolnay ceramics and tiles continue to adorn buildings across
Oleksii Arestovych, a former advisor to the Ukrainian president recently announced his candidacy for the Ukrainian presidency, the election for which is scheduled to happen in 2024—however, due to the
One of the recurring topics of Agustine of Hippo’s City of God, a foundational work of Western philosophy, is his critique of Roman religion as having no moral teachings to
While in recent weeks Europe was shocked by a series of violent antisemitic protests sparked by the events in the Middle East, the ones in Dagestan, Russia stand out, as
The famous British unorthodox feminist, Mary Harrington recently visited Budapest to talk about ‘reactionary feminism’ and progress at a Danube Institute event.
The national narrative that Hungary is the bulwark of Christianity and Western Civilization was formed in the battles won on the lands of present-day Serbian Vojvodina, also known as Vajdaság
Christianity has permeated most of the Western world’s cultural accomplishments. Its influence can also be detected in many literary works of a very peculiar genre: the imaginary universes of great