‘There is a war in European territory that the elites ruling our continent do not seem eager to end. Its bureaucracy is ever-expanding and forcibly imposing its policies on sovereign peoples. The continent is being crushed by over-regulation, taxation, and centralization of the capital, means of production and decision-making by unelected individuals who are unaccountable for their actions.’
‘The centre-right and conservative parties have the chance to develop this [MEGA] into a great movement that can actually save Europe and the European project. They first need the will to unite, and subsequently the vision, clarity and hard work to put their ideas in practice, winning the hearts and minds of every European.’
‘The Supreme Court has stated that, on average, it now takes 15 years for a citizen to have their case heard, a stark increase from 1.5 years before the reform. Despite billions spent by European and American taxpayers, not only have the metrics worsened, but Albanian citizens are now receiving less justice.’
‘Across various European nations conservative and right-wing parties have capitalized on issues like immigration, national identity, and dissatisfaction with traditional political establishments to gain substantial electoral support…without the epochal change on 6 November 2016 in the United States, these shifts in Europe would have taken much longer.’
‘People are challenging the pressure that comes from the media and the unrepresentative elites and are pushing for the return of proper conservative policies. This would not have happened without the victory of Donald Trump in 2024, the resistance of leaders such as PM Orbán, as well as the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk and the rise of alternative media.’
‘As we step into 2025, the world stands at a crossroads and on the brink of major breakthroughs in many aspects. The world order is in transition. Artificial Intelligence is poised to reach new milestones, unimaginable only a few years ago. Many crises, natural or manufactured, have reshaped the geopolitical landscape, and tested our societies’ resilience.’
‘Prime Minister Orbán has already demonstrated that strong leadership can make a difference. By uniting in an emergency Coalition of the Willing to Save Europe, championing economic freedom and cultural conservatism, European conservatives can chart a path toward a freer, more prosperous, and more cohesive future. The time to act is now. With Orbán’s leadership, 2025 could mark the beginning of Europe’s renewal.’
‘This year has been full of lessons for conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic. There is an obvious need and constant request by voters everywhere for common sense conservative policies. The European elections showed this quite clearly by producing for the first time an alternative, centre-right majority in the European Parliament.’
‘The leaders and politicians of our continent need to acknowledge a reality that the average European citizen has already discovered, namely, that Europe is on a dangerous path that will lead to total geopolitical irrelevancy and economic misery.’
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.