‘Stocker’s old-fashioned, almost managerial Christian democratic character and his almost accidental path to the Chancellorship add to the contradiction between the electoral results and the resulting government…it is undeniable that voters have overwhelmingly rejected the previous ÖVP–Green coalition, with both parties suffering major losses, and voted for change rather than continuity.’
‘One is constantly reminded of Hallstein’s [Stresa] speech when analysing the turbulences of the recent years in Europe’s fields and countryside towns, occasionally bringing the distinct view of columns of tractors and piles of hay to the polished streets and thoroughfares of European capitals. And, out of the several farmers’ movements that have swept the EU since 2022, few dialogue so much with Hallstein as the Polish one.’
‘In few countries was the period of 19th century national revival more productive than post-Compromise Hungary, where the national-cultural revival was accompanied by a period of economic prosperity and renewed political prominence. And, within Hungary, no other building complex captures the spirit of this era, and its intertwining of the aesthetic, the historical, and the political, as the Buda Castle.’
‘Despite his mild demeanour and centrist credentials, what Christophe Hansen offers is a distinctly more pro-farmer outlook than that of the previous quinquennium. The Luxembourgish was adamant in his defence of the CAP during his hearing.’
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.