The Hungarian National Museum awaits visitors with free programmes, including craft workshops, curator-led tours, and numerous other family activities over the three-day weekend commemorating the 176th anniversary of the 1848/49 revolution and freedom fight. On the day before the 15 March holiday the museum will be closed.
The events in the Museum Garden will kick off on Friday, 15 March at with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech.
The last time the PM delivered his 15 March remarks here was in the election year of 2018.
All programmes of the National Museum will be free of charge on the holiday weekend. There will be crafts workshops for children, a museum play area with a colouring corner, as well as treasure hunt programmes, and film screenings, while adults will have the chance to participate in thematic guided tours and music history tour in the museum.
Kovács Zoltán
🇭🇺 Március 15. – Orbán Viktor a Magyar Nemzet Múzeumnál mond ünnepi beszédet ➡ Idén már március 14-én elkezdődnek a nemzeti ünnep központi programjai, ekkor adják át a Kossuth- és Széchenyi-díjakat…
On Saturday the ‘It Was Just a Moment’ tour will be offered, which familiarized visitors with the world of 19th-century balls and romances with the participation of actors from the Madách Theatre.
On Sunday, visitors can join the curator-led tour titled ‘The Great Figures of the Longest Century – The History of the 19th Century’ and the presentation of the Altamira cave drawings.
All guided tours (unfortunately in Hungarian only) are free of charge, but registration is required on the Hungarian National Museum’s website,
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Sources: Hungarian Conservative/MNM/MTI