Former President János Áder emphasized the importance of vaccinations in preventing serious infections such as severe COVID-19, whooping cough, and measles in the latest episode of his Blue Planet podcast, seeking the expert opinion of renowned infectious diseases specialist János Szlávik.
Responding to János Áder, chairman of the board of trustees of the Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation, who pointed out the rising number of COVID-19 infections recently, Szlávik explained that, unlike influenza, COVID-19 is not seasonal, and the concentration of the virus in wastewater began to increase during the summer. However, he noted, the virus has become ‘milder‘ and causes less severe symptoms, though it still poses a risk to the elderly.
Szlávik also noted that the virus constantly mutates, with one variant undergoing thirty changes. As a result, new vaccines had to be adapted to these mutations. While these vaccines do not prevent infection, they do prevent severe symptoms, he added. Áder also raised concerns about the increasing presence of tropical mosquito species in Hungary, such as those that transmit West Nile fever, with thirty cases already registered this year. Szlávik reassured listeners that this is not alarming, noting that in 2018, for example, 200 such cases were recorded. He explained that 80–90 per cent of infected individuals experience only mild or no symptoms, while 5–10 per cent require hospitalization. The problem, however, is that there is no vaccine for this disease, he remarked.
Járványok és régi-új vírusok – kell-e félni ezektől?
Érzékenyebbek lettünk a betegségekre; míg 2018-ban Magyarországon több százan átestek a nyugat-nílusi lázon, manapság a pár tucat megbetegedésre is felkapjuk a fejünket. Szlávik János infektológus szerint erre sajnos nincs védőoltás, de kezelhetők, ha időben azonosítják. Ráadásul a klímaváltozás miatt 2030-ra szinte minden olyan szúnyogfaj megjelenhet nálunk is, amelyek terjesztik a trópusi betegségeket.
He further explained that due to global warming, mosquitoes are moving further north, and by 2030, all tropical mosquito species could potentially be present in Hungary. He also warned that anyone feeling ill after returning from a tropical country should seek medical attention immediately. János Áder went on to stress that diseases such as whooping cough, once believed to have been eradicated, are reappearing today. Szlávik explained that although cases of whooping cough are rising across Europe, it cannot yet be classified as an epidemic. He attributed this trend to the long lockdowns introduced due to COVID-19, which reduced human interaction and, in turn, increased the population‘s susceptibility to infections. As a result, whooping cough is now more aggressive, he added.
According to Szlávik, another factor contributing to the spread of the disease is that the currently used vaccine, while much safer, is also weaker than previous versions and primarily provides protection for infants. In this situation, the infectologist recommends that women get vaccinated against whooping cough during pregnancy and that anyone in close contact with infants do the same to avoid infection.
They also discussed the fact that many Western European countries do not have mandatory vaccination schedules. Szlávik noted that many parents mistakenly believe it is better for children to contract a disease than to be vaccinated, despite the severe consequences of diseases like measles, which can damage the nervous system.
Thanks to Hungary’s strict vaccination schedule, Szlávik continued, measles is now mainly an imported disease, with no cases originating in Hungary since 2002. Finally, János Áder and János Szlávik agreed that while there is no cause for panic, prevention is crucial.
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