Hungarian Conservative

Prominent Global Thinkers to Discuss Humanity’s Future at Brain Bar Budapest

Attendees listen to a lecture at the Hungarian House of Music at Brain Bar 2023.
Brain Bar Facebook
One of the 21st century’s greatest scientific questions is whether humans have free will. This year’s Brain Bar will give special attention to this topic, with notable guest speakers such as Avi Loeb, Gerard Barron, and Lars Chittka.

This article was first published in Hungarian on the website of our sister publication Magyar Krónika.

The Brain Bar future festival, held for the tenth time this September, will once again bring the world’s and Hungary’s most prominent thinkers to Budapest. The festival aims to provide participants with answers to the most pressing questions about the future while encouraging critical thinking in the context of social, scientific, and technological change.

One of the 21st century’s greatest scientific questions is whether humans have free will. This year’s Brain Bar will give special attention to this topic, with notable guest speakers, including Kathryn Paige Harden, a behavioural scientist from the United States and author featured in prestigious outlets such as The New York Times and The Washington Post. Harden will address Hungarian youth about how our DNA influences our success, health, and how we interact with others.

Avi Loeb, Gerard Barron, Lars Chittka and More

The Brain Bar future festival, which will be held for the tenth time this September, will feature many other exciting speakers alongside Harden. Avi Loeb, former head of Harvard’s Astronomy Department, will visit Hungary to discuss his lifelong research on extra-terrestrial life and intelligence. Gerard Barron, whose company pioneered the mining of super metals from the Pacific Ocean, will talk about the possibilities of transitioning to clean energy. Additionally, Professor Lars Chittka, who has highlighted the surprisingly high intelligence of bees, will demonstrate just how much we owe to these tiny creatures.

Other speakers at Brain Bar include prominent local and international figures, such as András Péter Kovács, a comedian who will openly discuss his childhood traumas and how he overcame them. Bertalan Thuróczy, the successful actor, will share stories of faith, loss, and triumph. Boldizsár Horváth, founder of Farm2Fork, will provide insights into sustainable agriculture and changing eating habits. The Napfonat ensemble will deliver the magic of Christmas music, showcasing how their tunes are influenced by inherited traditions.

The up-and-coming band Budapest Breaking, known for creating vibrant music even in the concrete jungle, will also perform at the festival. Three-time Olympic water polo champion Zoltán Szécsi will share his experiences in sport and the challenges of family life. Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy, founder of Brain Bar, will take the stage to explain how this internationally renowned festival was created.

Each year, Brain Bar brings the most critical questions about the future to the forefront, often offering unexpected perspectives. This year topics will include what happens if there is no solution to the climate crisis, whether AI will truly exceed what we see today, and if influencer culture is indeed the future of work.

Attending the future festival, held on 26–27 September, will be free of charge for students and teachers, but registration is required.

Registration is already open on the Brain Bar website, with discounted early bird tickets also available.

Read our reports from the 2022 Brain Bar:

Brain Bar 2022: Balázs Orbán on the Future Generations of Political Elites
Brain Bar 2022: Hungary Could Pave the Future of Electromobility
One of the 21st century’s greatest scientific questions is whether humans have free will. This year’s Brain Bar will give special attention to this topic, with notable guest speakers such as Avi Loeb, Gerard Barron, and Lars Chittka.