The Latest Edition of Hungarian Conservative Magazine Is Here

The latest print issue of Hungarian Conservative features a full section dedicated to the demographic crisis and family policies which aim to solve it; as well as a posthumously published article by the late great Dr David Martin Jones, and an exclusive interview with Lord David Frost, the Chief Negotiator for Exiting the European Union in the United Kingdom. Pick up your copy now!

The brand new edition of our print Hungarian Conservative magazine is out now. This is Volume 4 Number 2 of the publication, out just in time for the start of the summer season.

This issue has a whole section dedicated to the demographic crisis and family policies which aim to solve that very crisis. The section is titled ‘The Demographic Cliff and Family Policy’.

Csaba Barnabás Horváth, a historian, political scientist, and senior researcher at the Danube Institute in Budapest wrote of the geopolitics of the demographic shift in the piece he graciously contributed to our publication. In it, he argues:

‘Demography and geopolitics have always been inseparable. Alongside its geographical location and economic power, the population of a country is one of the main factors that determine what military capabilities it is able to develop.

The demographic shift occurring at present seems to be becoming a major game changer in this respect.

The relative demographic decline of the West, as well as of East Asia and Russia, the slowdown of growth in South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean, combined with the demographic explosion of sub-Saharan Africa, will most likely transform the global demographic balance to an extent that will also significantly impact geopolitics’.

The issue starts on a sombre note, with Danube Institute research fellow Eric Hendriks eulogizing Dr David Martin Jones, a Welsh intellectual historian and geopolitical theorist from Cardiff, who served as the Director of Research for the Danube Institute. He sadly passed away at age 73 earlier this year. Mr Jones has also contributed a posthumously published article to this issue.

In the ‘Current’ section, Péter Szitás tackles the outcome of the 2024 presidential election in Slovakia; while in the ‘Political Philosophy’ section, Fanni Lajkó penned her piece titled ‘Europe at an Ideological Crossroads: Unity in Progressivism or Sovereignty in Diversity?’.

Our interview guest in this issue is Lord David Frost, who served as the Chief Negotiator for Exiting the European Union in the United Kingdom between July 2019 and January 2020. He sat down with our very own Loretta Tóth to talk about the 2024 general election in his home country, and the best strategies with which his Conservative Party can win over voters.

You can pick up the latest edition of the magazine at your local bookstore or newspaper stand; or

you can subscribe to our quarterly magazine on our website

to make sure you never miss an issue.

The latest print issue of Hungarian Conservative features a full section dedicated to the demographic crisis and family policies which aim to solve it; as well as a posthumously published article by the late great Dr David Martin Jones, and an exclusive interview with Lord David Frost, the Chief Negotiator for Exiting the European Union in the United Kingdom. Pick up your copy now!