Hungarian Conservative

Hungary Celebrates Nobel Laureates with New Mural in Budapest

The unveiled mural honouring the two Nobel laureates on 17 July 2024 in Budapest
Zsolt Szigetváry/MTI
Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz had seen the designs and ‘gave their blessing’ to the project. The creation of the Wall of Nobel Laureates, designed by Péter Csuth and realized by the Colourful City Group, was supported by the Hungarian government.

Hungary is proud of those Hungarians who have achieved outstanding accomplishments, government spokesperson Eszter Vitályos stated at the ceremonial unveiling of the Wall of Nobel Laureates on Wednesday.

A giant portrait of Nobel laureates Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz was painted on the fire wall of a residential building in the Hungarian capital yesterday. The artwork bears the following inscription: ‘Born Hungarian, mastering science, serving mankind,’ which the spokesperson quoted at the unveiling.

Eszter Vitályos remarked that this thought perfectly characterizes the careers and work of both scientists. She recalled that what is common in the fate of these two Nobel Prize-winning Hungarian scientists is that

they both started from small towns, studied in Hungary, think in Hungarian, and are proud of their Hungarian heritage.

Hungary, in turn, is proud of those Hungarians who have achieved outstanding accomplishments, stated the spokesperson, who declared that ‘Hungarian people are talented and, through diligence, rise to the forefront of the scientific world as well.’ She pointed out that it is no coincidence that there is a high number of Hungarian Nobel laureates and other significant scientists.

Eszter Vitályos speaks at the unveiling. PHOTO: Zsolt Szigetváry/MTI

She noted that a wall like this also helps express this recognition, enhances their reputation, and introduces their personalities to ordinary people as well as to foreigners visiting Hungary.

Regarding the artwork, Eszter Vitályos mentioned that previously there was a mural evoking 1956 at the same location, which had become very faded, ‘showing the passage of time.’ The new creation on the wall surface next to the building at 40 Wesselényi Street in the 7th district was made with special, weather-resistant paint.

It was also highlighted at the ceremony that the two Nobel laureates had seen the designs and ‘gave their blessing’ to the project. The creation of the Wall of Nobel Laureates was supported by the Hungarian government. The artwork was designed by Péter Csuth and realized by the Colourful City Group.

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Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz had seen the designs and ‘gave their blessing’ to the project. The creation of the Wall of Nobel Laureates, designed by Péter Csuth and realized by the Colourful City Group, was supported by the Hungarian government.