Hungarian Conservative

Hungary Finalizes Agreement with Axiom Space to Send Second Hungarian Astronaut on Ax-4 Mission

The Kennedy Space Centre launch pad in Cape Canaveral with the Falcon 9 launch vehicle carrying SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft as part of the Axiom Mission 1 on 7 April 2022
Joel Kowsky/NASA/EPA/MTI
During the mission, the Hungarian research astronaut will spend 14 days aboard the International Space Station, conducting scientific experiments that will not only benefit the domestic space sector but also position Hungary competitively on the international stage in one of the 21st century’s most rapidly developing industries.

Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Orsolya Ferencz informed on Monday that Hungary has finalized its agreement with the American company Axiom Space. According to this agreement, the second Hungarian astronaut will be launched into space on the company’s upcoming Ax-4 mission.

During the mission, the Hungarian research astronaut will spend 14 days aboard the International Space Station, conducting scientific experiments that will not only benefit the domestic space sector but also position Hungary competitively on the international stage in one of the 21st century’s most rapidly developing industries, she added.

She noted that the exact start of the mission, including the launch date, is not yet known and will be jointly determined by Axiom Space and NASA.

Experts responsible for the research and development content of the HUNOR programme continue to work together with partners and Axiom Space to ensure the successful preparation and execution of the scientific portfolio initiated by domestic scientific workshops, universities, research institutes, and space industry companies. The Ministerial Commissioner emphasized this, adding that alongside the preparation of the scientific content, the research astronaut and their backup, selected by the experts of the HUNOR programme, are continuing their training and will soon begin mission-specific training in the United States.

As previously reported by Hungarian Conservative,

the HUNOR programme aims to send a Hungarian astronaut on a 30-day mission to the International Space Station.

During this mission, the astronaut will conduct experiments essential for scientific and technological advancement, benefiting the Hungarian economy, particularly those experiments that require microgravity. The mission, organized in collaboration with NASA, the European Space Agency, and Hungary’s partner from the US private space sector, Axiom Space, is critical for achieving the objectives outlined in Hungary’s Space Strategy. This comprehensive governmental project seeks to enhance Hungary’s military, economic, and technological capabilities through participation in space activities.

A total of 240 Hungarian citizens with backgrounds in engineering, science, and military occupations applied for the programme. Ultimately, four finalists were selected: Gyula Cserényi, Tibor Kapu, Ádám Schlégl, and András Szakály. These candidates underwent rigorous training, including aircraft flying, simulating space environments, various physical endurance tests, and engagement in scientific experiments. Additionally, they studied the history of space exploration, the activities of space agencies, and specifics of the mission. They also gained invaluable insights into scientific disciplines crucial for the mission’s success, such as cosmology, rocket science, and human physiology.

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During the mission, the Hungarian research astronaut will spend 14 days aboard the International Space Station, conducting scientific experiments that will not only benefit the domestic space sector but also position Hungary competitively on the international stage in one of the 21st century’s most rapidly developing industries.