Hungarian Conservative

Karácsony Still Leads, Szentkirályi Overtakes Vitézy in Budapest Mayoral Race

The numbers according to Republikon Institute
According to a survey commissioned by liberal think tank Republikon, Szentkirályi has managed to rally the Fidesz base in the capital, while Karácsony has succeeded in garnering support from the opposition. Szentkirályi has overtaken former Centre for Budapest Transport, independent candidate Dávid Vitézy in the poll.

Republikon Institute analyst Zoltán Ranschburg summarized the current state of the Budapest mayoral election race on ATV’s Voks2024 programme, based on the survey recently conducted by the institute. The Republikon figures show Szentkirályi has successfully garnered the support of the Budapest Fidesz base, while Karácsony has managed to appeal to opposition voters.

Among the general population Gergely Karácsony, the incumbent mayor, would receive 34 per cent of the votes. Alexandra Szentkirályi, the Fidesz candidate, would get 25 per cent. Dávid Vitézy has a 21 per cent support according to Republikon. Among those with a party preference, Karácsony would receive 40 per cent, Szentkirályi would achieve 30 per cent, while Vitézy would obtain 25 per cent of the votes. Mi Hazánk candidate András Gundtner stands at 2 per cent in both measurements.

According to Ranschburg, the numbers show that Szentkirályi has managed to rally the Fidesz base in the capital, while Karácsony has succeeded in attracting the support of opposition voters. Given these figures, he would find it very strange if Alexandra Szentkirályi were to withdraw.

At the end of March, Gergely Karácsony was at 39 per cent, Dávid Vitézy was at 22 per cent, and Alexandra Szentkirályi was at 16 per cent.

Previously, Hungarian Conservative reported that according to a survey conducted by the left-leaning Publicus Institute, Karácsony’s lead is steady, around 47 per cent. This survey also speculated that if Szentkirályi or Vitézy were to withdraw from the race and endorse each other, they still would not have the numbers to beat Karácsony. However, the numbers shared by liberal Republikon paint a different picture: it seems that with the rapidly growing support of Szentkirályi, Karácsony might need to look over his shoulder in the coming weeks.

Read more on the Budapest mayoral contest:

Karácsony Holds Steady Lead in Budapest Mayoral Contest, Publicus Institute Claims
According to a survey commissioned by liberal think tank Republikon, Szentkirályi has managed to rally the Fidesz base in the capital, while Karácsony has succeeded in garnering support from the opposition. Szentkirályi has overtaken former Centre for Budapest Transport, independent candidate Dávid Vitézy in the poll.