According to former United States ambassador to Budapest David Cornstein, there is only one person in the world who can bring an end to the Russo–Ukrainian war, and that person is Donald Trump. Cornstein also emphasized that there is no strong leader in Europe comparable to Viktor Orbán.
In an exclusive interview with public M1 news television, Cornstein highlighted the sincere friendship between former US President Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, stating that together, they could achieve significant accomplishments in both Europe and America. He expressed confidence that this relationship would flourish should Donald Trump be re-elected as a Republican Party candidate.
Speaking of Orbán, Cornstein praised him as
a leader who stands by his beliefs and follows through with action.
He recalled that before his diplomatic mission, relations between the two countries were not particularly strong but expressed pride in the work done to repair them in collaboration with the Hungarian government.
David Cornstein: egy nukleáris háború katasztrófához vezetne
Tárgyalóasztalhoz kell ültetni a feleket, véget kell vetni az orosz-ukrán háborúnak – erről beszélt az M1-nek adott exkluzív interjúban az előző budapesti amerikai nagykövet. David Cornstein szerint a jelenlegi háborús helyzet ijesztő. Úgy fogalmazott: a világ egy puska-poros hordó, és egy véletlen baleset is nukleáris háborúhoz vezethet. Az pedig katasztrófa lenne.
Cornstein lamented the dismantling of everything built during his ambassadorial tenure by the Democratic Biden administration and its representatives in Budapest. He criticized the current US administration for its lack of dialogue and excessive criticism, stressing the importance of responsible use of power.
Regarding international affairs, Cornstein emphasized Trump’s capacity for diplomacy in both Russia and Ukraine, suggesting that
only Trump could bring Russian President Putin and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to the negotiating table.
He warned of the current precarious global situation, highlighting potential conflicts in various regions and the risk of nuclear war.
Cornstein noted a stark contrast in migration policies between Hungary and the United States under the presidency of Joe Biden. While Hungary does not face a migration problem, the US allows individuals, often undesirable ones, to freely cross its borders, posing a threat of terrorism.
He praised Hungary’s approach to education, contrasting it with trends in the United, States where, he claimed, transgender politics and woke ideology dominate educational institutions instead of focusing on quality education for students.
Finally, Cornstein underscored the importance of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC Hungary) in Budapest, highlighting its significance as a forum for conservative views, particularly in a liberal-dominated media landscape.
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Sources: Hungarian conservative/M1