Twitter owner and, with an estimated net worth of $237 billion, currently the world’s richest man Elon Musk was once a hero in leftist circles for his strides in electric vehicle manufacturing. However, the prevailing opinion about him among the same people has changed a lot lately. While Musk has not given up on his ambitions in EV production, he has certainly broken away from the narrative pushed by the mainstream media and academia in the US.
Here are two recent examples of that.
Last week, Musk travelled to Rome, Italy to meet with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the Prime Minister’s residency, the Chigi Palace. Meloni was elected in the autumn of last year, as a member of the right-wing Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) party. She has been described as ‘far-right’ by the mainstream media and political leaders in the West. Specifically, she has faced heavy criticism from them for her stance against same-sex marriage, late-term abortion, and mass immigration. Ahead of last year’s Italian election, when it became clear that FdI had a good chance of winning, EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen went as far as to say that the EU ‘has the tools’ in case things go ‘in a difficult direction’ in the Mediterranean nation.
Yet Musk was happy to meet with PM Meloni. She proudly shared a photo of their encounter on Twitter, the social media giant owned by Musk.
Giorgia Meloni on Twitter: “Ho accolto con grande piacere oggi a Palazzo Chigi @elonmusk. Un incontro molto proficuo e un momento di grande cordialità dove abbiamo affrontato alcuni temi cruciali: innovazione, opportunità e rischi dell’intelligenza artificiale, regole europee di mercato e natalità. Avanti… / Twitter”
Ho accolto con grande piacere oggi a Palazzo Chigi @elonmusk. Un incontro molto proficuo e un momento di grande cordialità dove abbiamo affrontato alcuni temi cruciali: innovazione, opportunità e rischi dell’intelligenza artificiale, regole europee di mercato e natalità. Avanti…
According to the caption, the two leaders discussed, among others, the issue of artificial intelligence. Musk has been rather alarmist on the subject, calling for government regulation on AI labs in the US, in case an AI programme goes rogue. He and Meloni also touched on the topics of European market rules and low birth rates during their meeting in Rome.
Musk Butts Heads With President Joe Biden On Twitter
Musk also has a habit of sparring with left-wing politicians and journalists on Twitter. Previously, he has had some unkind words exchanged with a young Democratic congresswoman out of New York, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez. Now, he replied to a brief video The White House’s official Twitter account shared in their feed.
In it, a soundbite by President Biden is played in which, talking about LGBT children, he says: ‘These are our kids. These are our neighbours. Not somebody else’s kids, they’re all our kids.’ To this, Musk wrote in reply: ‘You are the government. They are NOT your kids.’
Elon Musk on Twitter: “You are the government. They are NOT your kids. / Twitter”
You are the government. They are NOT your kids.
Musk’s position happens to coincide with that of the Hungarian government. It is a perfectly common sense stance, which should be the norm. It is quite alarming that this is not the case despite the fact that the collectivist idea regarding children that Biden shared bears an alarming resemblance to Communist ideology. Karl Marx explicitly stated that communism would ensure children would be educated by the state and not by their parents.
What the Biden administration did receive public backlash for is having had transgender activist Rose Montoya appear topless in the White House. Montoya has since been banned from the executive mansion, and has apologised for the incident.
Elon Musk’s Political Affiliation
Ahead of last year’s midterm elections, Elon Musk revealed that he was planning on voting Republican for the first time in his life. Later, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, he also shared that he was voting Democrat as recently as in the 2020 Presidential election, when he chose Joe Biden over then-President Trump. Musk has donated money to both major American political parties in the past.
However, his recent remarks and gestures have given the public the impression that he is right-leaning these days. According to his public statements,
he bought the social media giant Twitter for $44 billion last October specifically because he was worried about the suppression of free speech by big tech companies,
a commonly voiced concern by right-wingers in the US.
Musk also said in November 2022 that he would support Florida governor Ron DeSantis if he were to run for President; and was present at the Twitter space conversation where DeSantis announced his official bid for the presidency. However, it is unclear if Musk would support the Republicans if Donald Trump were to be leading their ticket in 2024.
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