Several Hungarian schools were once again targeted by bomb threats overnight, according to an official circular sent to school directors by State Secretary for Public Education Zoltán Maruzsa. The message, issued on Friday morning, warned that multiple institutions had received threatening emails and urged school leaders to remain vigilant.
Maruzsa instructed administrators to check their institutional emails regularly and to report any threats to the police without delay. In cases where a bomb threat was identified, schools were advised to follow local safety protocols, including evacuating the premises if necessary.
According to the education news portal Eduline, the threats resulted in a bomb scare at Kemény Ferenc Primary School in Eger on Friday morning. The school’s director, Tamás Kollár, confirmed the incident to local news outlet egriü Police officers arrived at the scene and immediately began inspecting the buildings.
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Meanwhile, the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) took to Facebook to ask educators which schools had been affected, following a similar wave of threats the previous Thursday.
PDSZ – Pedagógusok Demokratikus Szakszervezete
Tudtok újabb bombariadóról? A BM-levél megvan. Arról írjatok, hogy hova érkezett bombafenyegetés!
The Alsó Zempléni Civil Guard Association also reported bomb scares at Kesnyéten Primary School and a children’s home in Girincs.
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While the Kossuth Lajos Primary School of Dabas did not receive a threat, they also shared on Facebook that they are aware of others receiving e-mails.
Dabasi Kossuth Lajos Általános Iskola
Tisztelt Szülők! Sajnos hazánkban a mai napon ismételten több köznevelési intézmény kapott bombatámadásról fenyegetést levélben az éjszaka folyamán. Intézményünk most sem kapott ilyen jellegű…
As law enforcement agencies continue their investigations, schools remain on high alert, with administrators reinforcing safety measures to ensure the well-being of students and staff.
This article will be updated as the story develops.
More on last week’s threats: