Hungarian Conservative

National Defence Day Marked by Hungarian Embassy in Washington

The Hungarian Embassy in Washington, DC
The Hungarian Embassy in Washington, DC
Wikimedia Commons
In his remarks to officials working in the US capital and foreign diplomats, Ambassador Takács pointed out that for the sake of Ukraine and its society, peace and a ceasefire are needed. The sooner negotiations aimed at this can begin, the fewer further casualties will have to be suffered. The Ambassador also emphasized the importance of NATO remaining a defensive alliance focusing on deterrence.

Hungary supports all international initiatives aimed at ending the conflict in Ukraine, Hungarian Ambassador to the United States Szabolcs Takács stressed in Washington, DC on Tuesday at a celebration held at the Hungarian Embassy on the occasion of National Defence Day.

In his remarks to officials working in the US capital and foreign diplomats, the chief of mission pointed out that for the sake of Ukraine and its society, peace and a ceasefire are needed. The sooner negotiations aimed at this can begin, the fewer further casualties will have to be suffered.

The ambassador emphasized the importance of NATO remaining a defensive alliance focusing on deterrence, which means that ‘NATO must stay out of the current conflict taking place in its eastern neighbourhood’. He highlighted that, at the same time, Hungary contributes to maintaining Euro-Atlantic security, among other things, by currently spending 2.43 per cent of its GDP on defence, with the country’s defence budget tripling in less than a decade.

Takács stated that the first 75 years of NATO’s existence have been a success story, which is particularly important in the current transatlantic and European security situation. He commemorated that 2024 also marks the 25th anniversary of Hungary’s NATO membership. He added that Hungary is committed and wishes to expand its long-standing military cooperation with the National Guard of the state of Ohio.

Major General John C. Harris, the commander of the National Guard of Ohio, also attended the event.

In a statement, the Ohio military leader recalled that the strength of the cooperation between the Hungarian Defence Forces and the National Guard lies in its continuity over the past 31 years, which is also present in practice. He pointed out that joint operational experiences and shared service represent practical cooperation, adding that there are currently several National Guard members from Ohio in Hungary, participating in joint exercises with the Hungarian Defence Forces.

The celebration at the Hungarian Embassy was attended by Sonata Coulter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State, and Brigadier General Timothy M. Brower, Deputy Director of the National Guard Bureau.

At the invitation of Brigadier General László Szegő, numerous military representatives from NATO allies and partner countries outside NATO, delegated to Washington, also honoured the event with their presence.

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In his remarks to officials working in the US capital and foreign diplomats, Ambassador Takács pointed out that for the sake of Ukraine and its society, peace and a ceasefire are needed. The sooner negotiations aimed at this can begin, the fewer further casualties will have to be suffered. The Ambassador also emphasized the importance of NATO remaining a defensive alliance focusing on deterrence.