This article was first published in Hungarian on the website of our sister publication Magyar Krónika.
Comprehensive renovations at the Hungaroring are in full swing, with transformation work having begun after the 2024 Hungarian Grand Prix. The 78.9 billion forint (195 million euros) project includes refurbishing the main grandstand and central building, as well as the construction of two new tunnels that will provide passage between the paddock and the Super Gold grandstand.
This renovation is part of the facility’s largest overhaul to date, with a total project budget of 105 billion forints (2.6 billion euros).
Tíz torony(daru) a Hungaroringen. Jó ütemben folyik a fejlesztés második üteme a magyar Formula 1-es versenypályán: az idei Magyar Nagydíj óta eltelt időszakban a kivitelező munkatársai lefúrtak 641…
The project’s first phase, which included upgrades to the main entrance and surrounding buildings, was completed ahead of this year’s Hungarian Grand Prix. As a result, the Hungaroring remains, along with Italy’s Monza, the only circuit to host uninterrupted Formula 1 races since 1986.
Ilyen lesz a felújított Hungaroring
A hét elején végre konkrét terveket kaptunk arról, hogy hogyan is nézhet majd ki a Hungaroring az évek óta halogatott, de mára már szükségessé vált felújítás után.
The current phase of the project is set for completion by 2026, with the Hungarian government guaranteeing full financial backing to ensure seamless execution. Updates on the construction progress have been shared on the track’s official Facebook page, where recent images show 641 piles drilled for the paddock building’s foundation and 730 for the main grandstand.
Currently 470 workers are on-site daily, with the workforce expected to exceed 1,000 soon to ensure timely completion before the next Formula 1 season. The 2025 Hungarian Grand Prix is scheduled for 3 August, marking the event’s 40th edition. Tickets, starting at EUR 160, are already available.
Although the Hungaroring is Hungary’s premier motorsport venue, its impact extends beyond racing. The Formula 1 race weekend significantly boosts tourism across the country—particularly in Budapest—each year, benefitting hotels, local businesses, and attracting dedicated fans who follow their favourite drivers and teams across borders.
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