Hungary has a vested interest in the survival and effective functioning of the United Nations and is ready to participate in efforts to implement genuine and swift reforms within the global organization. This was the message delivered by Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, following his visit to New York on Thursday.
In a statement shared, Szijjártó highlighted the critical challenges facing the UN, stressing that its leaders must step out of their comfort zones to save the institution. ‘The UN is the last truly universal platform that facilitates East–West dialogue and includes everyone. However, it is currently facing serious challenges,’ he said after meeting with UN Deputy Secretary-General for Policy Guy Ryder.
Szijjártó echoed criticisms made by former US President Donald Trump, stating that the UN is no longer functioning efficiently. ‘The liberal mainstream often hinders its operations, and in many cases, the organization has become a burden rather than a help to its member states,’ he emphasized.
Szijjártó Péter
Az ENSZ komoly kihívások előtt áll, a szervezet vezetőinek végre ki kell mozdulniuk a komfortzónájukból, hogyha meg akarják menteni a világszervezetet, mint az utolsó valóban univerzális,…
The Foreign Minister outlined a path forward, calling for the elimination of parallel structures, streamlining of operations, and a reduction in unnecessary costs. ‘The situation is fixable. We need to focus on real global challenges and make the organization more efficient,’ he added.
Szijjártó reiterated Hungary’s commitment to supporting the UN’s reform efforts, noting that Budapest serves as a successful example of decentralization. ‘Budapest has proven that decentralizing UN operations is the right direction. Several UN institutions operate efficiently here, and we are ready to host even more,’ he said.
However, he warned that UN leaders cannot remain isolated in their ‘ivory tower’ in New York. ‘If they fail to understand the need for change, they risk jeopardizing this otherwise excellent international organization,’ he concluded.
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