Hungarian Conservative

Hungary Showcases Economic Strength at International Fair in Xiamen

Hungarian Ambassador to China Máté Pesti, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade State Secretary Levente Magyar, Fujian Province Vice-Governor Wang Yongli, Deputy Mayor of Xiamen Hunag Xiaoju, Deputy Director General in Charge of European Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Trade Wang Jinsung, and HEPA CEO Gábor Jenei cut the ribbon at the inauguration ceremony of the Hungarian pavilion at the China International Fair for Investment and Trade in Xiamen, China on 8 September 2024.
Hungarian Ambassador to China Máté Pesti, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade State Secretary Levente Magyar, Fujian Province Vice-Governor Wang Yongli, Deputy Mayor of Xiamen Hunag Xiaoju, Deputy Director General in Charge of European Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Trade Wang Jinsung, and HEPA CEO Gábor Jenei cut the ribbon at the inauguration ceremony of the Hungarian pavilion at the China International Fair for Investment and Trade in Xiamen, China on 8 September 2024.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (KKM)/MTI
The 24th China International Fair for Investment and Trade, which opened on Sunday, features a significant Hungarian presence. The event presents an excellent opportunity for Hungarian companies to attract the attention of investors, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

One of China’s largest and most renowned international economic fairs is being held in the city of Xiamen, with Hungary participating as the guest of honour, following a personal invitation extended by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to Budapest. It was announced by State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Levente Magyar in his opening speech at the event on Sunday, according to the Ministry’s statement.

‘This is a great opportunity and a significant honour for us,’ Magyar said, emphasizing that numerous companies will have the chance to showcase their products, services, and innovative solutions. Xiamen, located in Fujian Province, is of particular importance to Hungary as it is the source of the majority of Chinese foreign direct investment. As such, discussions were held with the province’s governor and city officials on how to further expand these relationships, the Secretary added.

He also mentioned that Xiamen could become the eighth city with a direct flight connection to Budapest as early as next year. In addition to economic relations, the two sides discussed cultural exchanges aimed at fostering a deeper mutual understanding between the two countries. ‘It is crucial that long-term international cooperation is built not only on economic but also on human foundations, and there is a great openness for this,’ Magyar noted, adding that ‘Hungary is respected and fundamentally liked here.’

The 24th China International Fair for Investment and Trade, which opened on Sunday, features a significant Hungarian presence. The Hungarian Export Promotion Agency and the Hungarian Tourism Agency each occupy 20 square metres of exhibition space, while the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency has a 60-square-metre booth for professional visitors.

The Agricultural Marketing Centre is hosting a 60-square-metre show kitchen offering freshly prepared dishes, while the Hungarian Wine Marketing Agency has set up a 50-square-metre wine bar at the event. Also represented at the national stand are National Industrial Park Management and Development Company and the National Innovation Agency. The event presents an excellent opportunity for Hungarian companies to attract the attention of investors, the Ministry added.

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Hungary Participates as Guest of Honour at Pujiang Innovation Forum in Shanghai
The 24th China International Fair for Investment and Trade, which opened on Sunday, features a significant Hungarian presence. The event presents an excellent opportunity for Hungarian companies to attract the attention of investors, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.