Hungarian Families Enjoy Europe’s Cheapest Energy this Winter

Thanks to the Hungarian government's utility cost reduction policy, Hungarian families will once again enjoy the cheapest and most secure energy supply in Europe this winter. According to Németh Szilárd, Government Commissioner in charge of maintaining reduced energy costs, the country’s gas reserves are at 93 per cent capacity, and the government's successful policies have shielded citizens from the impacts of the energy crisis.

The government’s energy protection policy will allow Hungarian families to heat and light their homes at the lowest cost and with the greatest security in Europe this winter, according to a statement by Szilárd Németh, Government Commissioner responsible for maintaining reduced energy costs, published on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday Németh highlighted that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been successful at having Hungary be exempted from the EU’s embargo on Russian gas and oil. He also pointed out that Hungary’s gas storage facilities are already at 93 per cent capacity.

The government commissioner added that the government’s decision to introduce a new energy prices protection measure on 1 August 2022 has proven successful, shielding Hungarian families from the dangerous impacts of the energy crisis caused by the war and what he described as misguided sanctions from Brussels. This policy, he stated, has protected families from skyrocketing energy prices.

Németh Szilárd

A Kormány és a Fidesz-KDNP rezsivédelmi politikájának köszönhetően Európában idén télen is a magyar családok fűthetnek, világíthatnak legolcsóbban és legbiztonságosabban. A háztartások…

Németh stressed that, thanks to the government’s energy-saving policies, Hungarians are in the best position to face the upcoming winter.

He expressed his confusion as to why Brussels is seeking to dismantle the Hungarian utilities cost reduction scheme rather than recommending it to other EU member states.

Moreover, he voiced his disappointment with the Hungarian left, accusing them of siding with Brussels and supporting international energy lobby interests. He called this stance ‘completely hypocritical,’ pointing out that even opposition figures such as Péter Magyar and the Gyurcsány family benefit from the reduced energy costs.

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Thanks to the Hungarian government's utility cost reduction policy, Hungarian families will once again enjoy the cheapest and most secure energy supply in Europe this winter. According to Németh Szilárd, Government Commissioner in charge of maintaining reduced energy costs, the country’s gas reserves are at 93 per cent capacity, and the government's successful policies have shielded citizens from the impacts of the energy crisis.