According to an article published by Mandiner on Tuesday, the news programme Tagesschau on Germany’s public broadcaster’s Channel One has recently reported, under the title ‘A New Homeland’, that Germans are fleeing to Hungary for political reasons.
The presenter’s introductory remarks indicated that Germans are moving to Hungary because domestic politics are ‘too liberal,’ particularly regarding refugee policy.
‘For many Germans, Hungary has now become a destination for immigration,’ the presenter added. The German public media’s correspondent in Hungary, Anna Tillack, remarked that ‘there is an increasingly growing German community around Lake Balaton, and the demand keeps rising,’ at least according to Barbara Herold, a real estate agent who sells properties around the lake to Germans.
‘They no longer feel at home in Germany; things are not the way they want them to be,’ Barbara Herold told the reporter during the broadcast.
Sorge vor Entwicklung in Deutschland: Deutsche finden neue Heimat in Ungarn
Eine Familie aus Bayern macht sich Sorgen über die Entwicklung in Deutschland und hat einen Entschluss gefasst: Sie ist aus ihrer Heimat an den Plattensee in Ungarn gezogen. Die Gründe Deutschland zu verlassen, haben auch mit der ihrer Meinung nach zu liberalen Politik im Land zu tun – vor allem was die Asylpolitik betrifft.
The reporter also visited the Rebs family; the Bavarian husband, the Berlin wife, and their child moved from the Rosenheim area to Lake Balaton because safety was important to them. In the report, the husband, Stefan, said: ‘We feel safer here,’ adding that back home he no longer dared let his wife and child go alone to the nearby town due to migration. He also praised the Hungarian government’s foreign policy: ‘What Viktor Orbán is doing in foreign policy is simply good;’ he also opined that ‘here, Hungarians come first, and that’s how it should be.’ The reporter commented: ‘In Orbán’s Hungary, there is hardly any migration. It’s Christian, heterosexual, and above all, white.’
The short film concludes at a market by Lake Balaton, where the German TV crew did not find any multiculturalism, but constantly heard German being spoken, and met other emigrants. One woman told the reporter: ‘I’m not going back, I won’t even visit Germany again. Germany makes me sick.’
A man noted: ‘I don’t like green politics, I don’t like red politics, I don’t like that all the money is going abroad.’ However, there is one aspect he does appreciate about German politics: his pension.
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