Hungarian Conservative

Nézőpont Survey: Fidesz–KDNP Maintains Lead, While Opposition Struggles to Gain Ground

Fidesz logos seen on October 2014 in Budapest
Zoltán Máthé/MTI
The poll results concerning the perceived suitability of political leaders for the prime ministerial position are revealing: among potential candidates for a parliamentary election, Viktor Orbán is considered the most suitable to lead Hungary by 49 per cent of Hungarians.

The Fidesz–KDNP coalition has retained its lead with 47 per cent, while the Tisza Party has failed to gain new supporters since the EP elections, remaining at 29 per cent. Gyurcsány Ferenc’s party has maintained its 8 per cent support. Meanwhile, Viktor Orbán is considered the most suitable candidate for Prime Minister by two and a half times more people (49 per cent) than Péter Magyar (19 per cent), and seven times more than Klára Dobrev (7 per cent), according to the latest public opinion poll by Nézőpont Institute, whose findings were shared on Tuesday.

The survey, conducted between 15–17 July with a sample of 1,000 adults via telephone, indicates that the governing Fidesz–KDNP continues to lead the party competition in July as well. In a parliamentary election, they would secure 47 per cent of the votes, which is a 2 percentage point increase from their June European Parliamentary election result, albeit within the margin of error. The spring realignment on the left appears to have settled: the Tisza Party holds 29 per cent support (nearly 30 per cent in June), and the DK–MSZP–P coalition would repeat its 8 per cent result from the EP elections.

The Mi Hazánk Movement is confidently above the threshold, potentially reaching 9 per cent in a parliamentary election held this Sunday (nearly 7 per cent in the EP election). Among the parties that did not secure a mandate in the EP elections, the MKKP has the best chance (5 per cent) of entering parliament (nearly 4 per cent in June), while the support for other micro-parties collectively is only 2 per cent (over 7 per cent in the EP elections).

The poll results on the perceived suitability of political leaders for the prime ministerial position are revealing: among potential candidates for a parliamentary election,

Viktor Orbán is considered the most suitable to lead Hungary by 49 per cent of Hungarians.

It was noted that the positive perception of the Hungarian Prime Minister, who founded a new European party alliance and embarked on a peace mission since the election, surpasses even the popularity of the ruling parties. Only 19 per cent of Hungarians view the leading figure of the largest opposition party, Péter Magyar, as the most suitable Prime Minister.

According to Nézőpont, this also means that at least a third of Tisza Party supporters would back the party regardless of, or despite, the ‘disco scandal’ involving Péter Magyar since the election. The proportion of those who consider Klára Dobrev the most suitable Prime Minister (7 per cent) does not exceed the DK–MSZP–P voter base, and is only half as many as those who see László Toroczkai as the most suitable Prime Minister (4 per cent).

Read more:

Patriots for Europe’s Vision Aligns with Hungarian Majority Opinion, Survey Finds
The poll results concerning the perceived suitability of political leaders for the prime ministerial position are revealing: among potential candidates for a parliamentary election, Viktor Orbán is considered the most suitable to lead Hungary by 49 per cent of Hungarians.