PM Orbán: ‘The US has power, the EU has none’

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrives for the start of the EU Summit on 20 March 2025.
Ludovic Marin/AFP
On his way to Thursday’s EU summit, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated in an interview that the European Union lacks the strength to impose its vision on the war in Ukraine. ‘The EU is isolated,’ he added, emphasizing that Brussels stands alone on the global stage with its pro-war stance.

European leaders are gathering in Brussels for the second time this month. Following the emergency summit on Ukraine and common defence on 6 March, the 27 heads of government and state will now focus on boosting the European Union’s struggling competitiveness and economic power.

On his way to Brussels, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave an interview to the right-wing YouTube channel Patrióta, highlighting the growing divide between the United States and the EU regarding the war in Ukraine. He recalled that the previous US administration, led by Joe Biden, was committed to integrating Ukraine into NATO—a move that provoked Russian retaliation. However, he noted that the new American leadership has shifted course, recognizing the strategy as a mistake. ‘The Americans have realized that the previous administration dragged them into a reckless adventure,’ Orbán said, adding that Washington is now pushing for a ceasefire while Europe remains stuck in outdated thinking.

Orbán stated that the EU lacks the strength to impose its vision. ‘The United States has power. The EU has none.’ He further criticized Brussels, arguing that the bloc is increasingly isolated on the global stage due to its pro-war stance.

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Regarding Ukraine’s fast-tracked integration, Orbán reaffirmed Hungary’s firm opposition, rejecting both an accelerated accession process and additional financial burdens imposed by Brussels. He emphasized that while EU leaders continue pressing forward, economic realities will eventually force them to reconsider. ‘Right now, Brussels is pushing ahead, but the moment of reckoning will come,’ he said. Orbán also suggested that while many EU leaders publicly support Ukraine’s membership, they privately share Hungary’s concerns. ‘Inside the negotiating room, only Hungary is openly opposing Ukraine’s EU accession, but in the hallways, we are not alone,’ he noted.

During the summit, EU leaders will focus on three priority areas, following the guidance of the Budapest Declaration adopted in November 2024 after an informal meeting of member states’ leaders under the aegis of Hungary’s EU presidency. Discussions will centre on administrative simplification, energy policy, and the development of a savings and investment union. Special attention will also be given to the future of the automotive industry and action plans for the steel and metals sectors.

Watch the full interview:

Orbán elárulta, hogy miért NEM támogatja Ukrajna csatlakozását!

A brüsszeli csúcs előtt exkluzív interjút készítettünk Orbán Viktorral, Ukrajnáról, a háborúról illetve Ukrajna uniós csatlakozásáról. Orbán Viktor szerint az Unió vergődik, Ukrajna pedig sokba kerül az európai adófizetőknek. *** Ha tetszett a videó iratkozz fel a Patriótára: *** Amennyiben észrevételed van a videóval, a csatornával kapcsolatban, vagy szeretnél témát a figyelmünkbe ajánlani, úgy írhatsz nekünk levelet a email címre.

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On his way to Thursday’s EU summit, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated in an interview that the European Union lacks the strength to impose its vision on the war in Ukraine. ‘The EU is isolated,’ he added, emphasizing that Brussels stands alone on the global stage with its pro-war stance.