Viktor Orbán Delivers Passionate Speech at Salvini’s League Rally

Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), André Ventura, leader of the Portuguese Chega!, Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (L-R) on 6 October 2024 in Pontida, Italy
Zoltán Kovács/X
‘At the end of this struggle, we will turn Paris around, reclaim Warsaw, and become the largest political force in Europe. Then we will take control of Brussels politics and restore Europe to greatness—strong, prosperous, and free once again,’ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán emphasized in his speech at Matteo Salvini’s League rally.

On 6 October the Italian League party, led by Matteo Salvini, held a rally in Pontida, Italy. Among the many international guests were Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), and André Ventura, president of the Portuguese Chega! (Enough!) party. In this context, the rally served as a broader showcase for Patriots for Europe (PfE), which was formed in the summer and rapidly became the third-largest force in the European Parliament, as reflected in the speeches delivered during the event.

As the guest of honour at the meeting, Viktor Orbán emphasized the ideological unity between Italy and Hungary, highlighting that both nations are committed to defending their identities and sovereignty as freedom fighters. ‘Italians and Hungarians are two freedom-fighting peoples, and we are their heirs. We will never surrender ourselves, we will never give up our freedom, and we will never relinquish our country to foreigners. We will not yield to Brussels bureaucrats, global financial powers, or migrants,’ he declared.

The Hungarian PM described Matteo Salvini as a European patriot, noting that he is celebrated as a hero in Hungary for his efforts to close the borders and defend the homes of Italians and Europeans. ‘He deserves a medal for this, not a criminal prosecution,’ Orbán stated, characterizing the legal proceedings against Salvini related to illegal migration as a disgrace for the left and for Europe as a whole.

Fighting Leftists for 14 Years

He also noted that Hungary has been successfully combating the international left for 14 years. The mission of the Hungarian people is to demonstrate that the left can be defeated. ‘We have defeated them five times,’ he stated. ‘We govern more effectively than the left; patriots govern more successfully than the international left.’ He highlighted that Hungary currently enjoys full employment, tax reductions, increasing wages, support for businesses, and protection for families. ‘We will not allow them to mock marriage, nor will we permit them to ridicule those who love their families,’ he asserted.

‘Without families, there is no future,’ Orbán nailed down, adding that the Hungarian Constitution stipulates that ‘marriage is between a man and a woman.’ He further noted that the Constitution also defines the father as a man and the mother as a woman, emphasising that this will remain unchanged regardless of the international left’s actions. He highlighted that crime in Hungary has been significantly reduced, and criminals have been incarcerated. ‘My country is the safest in Europe,’ he declared.

He reiterated that Hungary does not permit illegal migrants and actively protects its borders. ‘Crossing the border without a permit is a criminal offence; only those with a permit can enter, and they must wait outside the borders.’ He stated that the number of migrants in Hungary is zero, adding: ‘We are not surrendering our country.’ ‘We will not allow them to alter our culture; Hungary is our home, and we want to feel at home in it,’ Orbán stressed.

Hungary, a Living Example

Addressing the audience, he pointed out that ‘Italy is strong, big, and rich; if we can achieve this, so can you.’ He urged the participants of the rally not to believe that success is impossible, stating: ‘It is possible; we Hungarians are living examples. Be determined, be brave, and follow great leaders like Matteo Salvini.’

PM Orbán cautioned that ‘our Europe is in trouble.’ He remarked that Europe is a less safe place today than it was ten years ago, with streets becoming more dangerous. ‘Migrants are instilling fear in peaceful Europeans, and they do not respect our laws or our police.’ He added: ‘We are concerned about our children’s future and fear to contemplate what life will be like in ten or twenty years.’

‘If this continues, the European Union will collapse’

He stated that the European Union was established to promote peace; however, there is currently a war in Europe and Brussels has become a belligerent rather than a peacemaker. Meanwhile, he asserted that bureaucrats are undermining the European economy, making it increasingly difficult for families to make ends meet and for companies to remain viable. He argued that the European left has created chaos and that Brussels bureaucrats are prioritising their own interests over those of Europeans. ‘If this continues, the European Union will collapse,’ he warned.

Patriots Growing Stronger

Orbán also highlighted that within the European Parliament, MEPs from the Patriots for Europe (PfE) are being stripped of their rights, while patriotic individuals and sovereigntists face persecution in Brussels. He noted that financial support is even being directed to leftists who oppose patriots.

‘Even though Hungary and Italy hold a special place in our hearts, we cannot turn our backs on Brussels; if we allow the left to take control, they will overthrow the national governments of patriots, as they did in Poland,’ he stated. Therefore, he argued that Brussels should not be abandoned but rather reclaimed; it should be taken back from the bureaucrats and returned to the people of Europe.

‘We must unite,’ the Hungarian Prime Minister declared, recalling that the first step was the formation of a right-wing government in Italy, followed by Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Herbert Kickl in Austria, and Andrej Babiš in the Czech Senate elections.

‘We need to strengthen ourselves and continue on the path of unifying the right in Europe,’ Orbán asserted. He added: ‘At the end of this struggle, we will turn Paris around, reclaim Warsaw, and become the largest political force in Europe. Then we will take control of Brussels politics and restore Europe to greatness—strong, prosperous, and free once again.’

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‘At the end of this struggle, we will turn Paris around, reclaim Warsaw, and become the largest political force in Europe. Then we will take control of Brussels politics and restore Europe to greatness—strong, prosperous, and free once again,’ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán emphasized in his speech at Matteo Salvini’s League rally.