Viktor Orbán has just made a Star Wars-themed video appearance on TikTok. The Prime Minister’s post, with the caption ‘For us, freedom is a life instinct!’ has already gathered more than three thousand likes, and over 45 thousand views.
In the opening image of the Prime Minister’s TikTok video, reminiscent of a Star Wars film poster, one can recognize figures from the Hungarian and international political scene.
Among the representatives of the dark side, we see George Soros and his son, depicted as Sith lords,
as well as Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission. The ‘good guys’ team includes Péter Szijjártó as Han Solo, Judit Varga as Princess Leia, and Balázs Orbán in the form of an Ewok, reinforcing the leadership of Luke Skywalker, aka Orbán Viktor.
Following the strong start, stylized text reminiscent of the opening credits of Star Wars films floats into the frame, displaying an excerpt from Viktor Orbán’s speech delivered on 23 October:
‘For us, freedom is a life instinct. The Hungarian nation is a nation of freedom fighters, and the essence of the Hungarian nation’s life strategy is that we stand at the grave of every occupying empire.’
Viktor a TikTokon on TikTok
3.1K Likes, 69 Comments. TikTok video from Viktor a TikTokon (@viktor_a_tiktokon): “Nekünk a szabadság életösztön! #orbanviktor #miniszterelnok #follow #fyp #foryou #StarWars #VargaJudit #SzijjártóPéter #OrbánBalázs #Soros”. eredeti hang – Viktor a TikTokon.
All of this is accompanied by nothing other than the iconic Star Wars main theme in the background.
Orbán Viktor launched his TikTok account in July this year.
Since then, 110,000 people have followed the Hungarian Prime Minister on the social media platform.
The choice to publish a video that plays on a Star Wars theme is not surprising from the PM. Hungary and its population have always been fond of the series. As it turns out, the universe has been influenced by the Hungarian culture. One of the most notable examples of Hungarian influence in Star Wars is the character Cassian Andor from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Cassian’s surname, Andor, is a Hungarian name that means ‘manly’ or ‘warrior.’ Another Hungarian connection in Star Wars is the syntax of Yoda’s speech. Yoda’s unique way of speaking, with its unusual sentence structure, featuring on object-subject-verb word order, has been noted by many fans to be similar to the Hungarian language. Furthermore, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a map of the galaxy includes a planet called ‘Biro’ which is likely a reference to Hungarian journalist László Bíró, who invented the ballpoint pen. Additionally, in a scene in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan Kenobi visits the planet Kamino, which is said to be named after the Hungarian word ‘kamion’ meaning ‘truck’.
Hungarian Conservative wrote about the influence of the Hungarian culture on Star Wars in this article and has also highlighted the legacy of Tibor Helényi, the artists behind the Hungarian posters for the films.
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