Hungarian Conservative

Center for Fundamental Rights Announces Wokebusters Task Force

Center for Fundamental Rights Director General Miklós Szánthó
Attila Gündüz/Center for Fundamental Rights
The new anti-woke initiative will consist of two main pillars: an emergency response information chain alerting the members of the nefarious activity of progressive, woke actors anywhere in the world; and one focused on the organization of conferences and workshops for right-wing activists.

Director General for the Budapest-based conservative think tank Center for Fundamental Rights Miklós Szánthó announced the establishment of the Wokebusters task force at a press conference at the Center’s Buda headquarters on Tuesday, 30 July. He was joined by President of the prestigious New York Young Republican Club Gavin Wax.

Director Szánthó informed all that at CPAC Hungary 2024, back in April, 59 politicians, decision-makers, and influencers signed the establishing declaration of Wokebusters, vowing that

‘in the name of freedom, we will drain the swamp and take back the West’.

He went on to explain that the Wokebusters initiative will consist of two main pillars, the first being an emergency response information chain, which alerts the members of the nefarious activity of progressive, woke actors anywhere in the world, so awareness can be raised concerning these issues. He gave the current examples of the Sanchez government in Spain going after right-wing media in the country, and the apparent large-scale voter fraud by socialist parties in South America. These are scandals that Mr Szánthó does not believe get enough coverage even in the right-wing media in other countries.

The second pillar of the initiative will focus on building in-person connections through the organization of conferences, workshops, and press conferences.

Mr Szánthó also stated that he believes today’s woke activists are ‘the new, trendy editions of communists,’ and stressed the importance of cooperative efforts such as the newly announced Wokebusters by conservative activists around the world, since their left-wing counterparts have been coordinating in a similar manner for a long time.

He also pointed out that the connectivity efforts of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary—the ‘peace mission’, as he likes to refer to it—seem to have already borne some fruits. In the case of President Donald Trump’s likely victory in November, the peace mission will probably reach its ultimate aim, which is a peace treaty between Ukraine and the aggressor Russia.

Gavin Wax recalled that two years ago, the Center for Fundamental Rights and the New York Young Republican Club had signed a cooperation agreement in the very building where the press conference took place. As part of the cooperation, the associates of the Center got to take part in the gala hosted by the New York Young Republicans in December 2023, where President Trump gave the keynote address.

He described the current election cycle in the United States as ‘a whirlwind of events’. President Trump survived an assassination attempt on his life at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on 13 July; then the sitting President Joe Biden was forced to withdraw from the race in ‘a palace coup’ a week after. Mr Wax said that while the right-wing Fidesz party in Hungary has experience in dealing with the domestic left in such chaos,

this is new to the Republicans in the US.

He believes that the GOP was competent in displaying the contrast of unity and order at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin earlier this month.

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The new anti-woke initiative will consist of two main pillars: an emergency response information chain alerting the members of the nefarious activity of progressive, woke actors anywhere in the world; and one focused on the organization of conferences and workshops for right-wing activists.