Tackling Climate Change a Key Priority of the Hungarian EU Presidency

Onlookers stand or walk close to the floodwater of the Danube as the river floods its banks in Budapest, Hungary, on 21 September 2024.
Ferenc Isza/AFP
Beside the boosting of the European Union’s competitiveness, fighting climate change is also a key priority of the Hungarian EU Presidency. According to State Secretary Miklós Dukai water management plays a central role in building a sustainable future, where every small step and piece of knowledge gained are of crucial importance.

Combating climate change is a key priority in Hungary’s EU Presidency programme, State Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development Miklós Dukai highlighted this during the opening of the six-day summer university of the Faculty of Water Sciences at the National University of Public Service. The event was organized as part of the Life Logos 4 Waters project.

Speaking at the official programme organized by the Hungarian Presidency, the state secretary emphasized that the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, and storms, demands urgent international action.

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According to Miklós Dukai water management plays a central role in building a sustainable future, where every small step and piece of knowledge gained are of great importance. ‘Focusing on and implementing natural water conservation solutions will help us adapt to the effects of climate change, particularly in addressing water scarcity, floods, and heat waves,’ he added.

He pointed out that these solutions not only tackle current environmental challenges but also promote long-term sustainability by reducing environmental risks and strengthening the resilience of ecosystems.

Miklós Dukai highlighted that the Life Logos 4 Waters project focuses on nature-based solutions that can help mitigate the effects of increasingly unpredictable weather events.

‘As climate change continues to challenge us, young people must be increasingly prepared to face these issues’

One of the most important messages of the event is the need to focus on training the professionals of the future, the state secretary said. ‘The success of climate adaptation and sustainable water management largely depends on the preparedness, knowledge, and creativity with which future generations approach these issues. The Faculty of Water Sciences at the National University of Public Service plays a pioneering role in this,’ he added.

He noted that students trained at the faculty not only acquire traditional water management skills but are also equipped to apply the latest solutions. Education, he added, is a key factor in advancing climate adaptation and sustainable water management.

‘As climate change continues to challenge us, young people must be increasingly prepared to face these issues,’ he said. The adaptive approach to higher education, including the summer university, aims to serve this purpose. ‘It will equip the professionals of the future with the knowledge, experience, and tools they need to find effective solutions for adapting to evolving water management and climate conditions,’ Miklós Dukai stated.

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Beside the boosting of the European Union’s competitiveness, fighting climate change is also a key priority of the Hungarian EU Presidency. According to State Secretary Miklós Dukai water management plays a central role in building a sustainable future, where every small step and piece of knowledge gained are of crucial importance.